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From TiVo to iPhone via Awesome
When Kim bought me a TiVo a few months ago, it didn’t immediately occur to me that it was a great way to build a video archive. But a month or two later when I discovered that you can point a web browser at the TiVo and download videos from it to your computer, it started to click.
I also started to realize that there’s actually a ton of good stuff on TV, far more than I have time to watch in fact: stuff like How It’s Made, Survivorman, Planet Earth, Most Shocking, Shockwave, etc, not to mention things we’d already been into like 24, Prison Break, The Office, and Heroes.
Those last few shows need to be watched in order, and usually on or near their original airing date, but the rest can be archived and watched any old time. So for the past month or two I’ve been archiving shows; I’m up to about 250 episodes, taking up 150 gigs of space.
Back when I first got my TiVo, right away I thought about how it’d be great to be able to somehow watch its content on my iPhone. The iPhone isn’t a home theater, just like it isn’t a full PC, but the thing is that it’s always with me, so having my favorite TV shows on it would be pretty sweet. Still, it wasn’t until a couple of weeks ago that I started to really think about this, and I discovered that it’s possible and not even that hard. So I’ve written up a little guide on putting TiVo shows onto your iPod or iPhone, posted on my tech blog.
A 1-hour episode ends up using about a fifth of a gig on the iPhone. Since my 8 gig iPhone is already full, I’ve had to cut back the amount of music that’s on it a little bit to accommodate a few TV shows, and that new 16 GB iPhone is looking better and better.
I’m just continually amazed by this device; now in addition to being my phone, calendar, email & web device, music player, and podcast player, it also has my TV shows on it -- all automatically kept up to date by iTunes with minimal fuss required.
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