Peace protesters, mental problems

Meanwhile, over on LGF:

It’s been obvious for sometime now that "peace" protests are actually little more than a kind of public therapy for people with serious mental problems:

Paranoia: The Government is run by a cabal of oil companies. The FBI is spying on me through optical cable in my dental floss. The CIA was behind 9-11.

Dementia: The media is right-wing. The rest of the world is ruled by France. Baked hippies can stop bulldozers with their bare hands.

Schizophrenia: Protesting that the government has robbed them of their right to protest. We can’t afford this war and we should spend the money on health care instead.

Delusional Disorder: They look at Bush and see Hitler.

Alzheimer’s Disease: They think it’s still 1968.

Antisocial Personality Disorder: They think they can win allies and influence public opinion by calling opponents fascists and vomiting in public .

Posted by Anthony on reply

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