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Agape Fest
Hideho, people. I just got back from the Agape Festival in Greenville, Illinois. It was awesome. We got there a little late, considering it’s a three hour drive for us, and got there just in time to see Pax 217. After them Five Iron Frenzy played. They rock so much they rocked my socks off. (They did the song "Pootermobile" from the Cheeses of Nazerath C.D.) They have such a great stage presence. They kept screwing up, but they didn’t care and neither did the crowd. In fact, the lead singer (I forget his name) even said, before they started one song that he forgot the lyrics to half of it. But, in true Five Iron fashion, they played it anyway.
We met some other guys there. They brought a couch with them and we set it out in the middle of the field, cut a hole in it, and shoved an umbrella in it for shade. Then we took some golf clubs and elastic bands and made a little lean-to. It was pretty cool.
The Elms, By The Tree, The Benjiman Gate, Superchic[k], Skillet, and Jars of Clay played the next day. I’m sorry, but even though they are not my favorite band, Superchic[k] still rocks. And maybe I like them for all the wrong reasons. Maybe it’s because Trica and Melissa are just as cute as they are. I don’t know why, but I’ve always had a thing for Trica. I talked to her a little bit (don’t know if she knew I was hitting on her or not) and found out that she is actually younger then Melissa. I always thought she was the big sister. She’s 23 while Melissa is 26. They all initialed my shoe and signed my C.D. Max said I needed to work on the smell of my shoe. It wasn’t the smell of a man, apperently.
I’m actually grounded right now, because I got home at 2:41 A.M. My friend Jimmy wanted to stay until Jars was completly done. They just never seemed to get done. They even left the stage, waited and came back to play a few more songs. It was funny, because they played a slow, melancholy version of "Girls just wanna have fun" Yes, they really did that. None of us could believe it, but we loved it anyway.
Skillet did a pretty cool altar call, but it almost got ruined by some guy "touched by the spirt" who kept yelling out things. Skillet told him that they appriciete his passion (you need spell check on this thing), but he was ruining their altar call, yet he still kept going. It got annoying, but still a few people went up and ’got saved’. Let’s hope it’s true for all of them and not just a show which some people do, unfortunatly.
Well, all in all, it was a great concert/festival. Made some friends, heard good music, hit on Trica from Superchic[k], and had some fun. I’m hoping to go again next year. Also, it was nice that I got in for free. (It’s good to know a D.J.)
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