
Need to sleep, soon.  But I wanted to say that Joshua’s album "Singing to Your Subconscious" is my favorite album.  In my opinion, this is as close to perfect as music can get.  The songs on my page from this album (What Love Requires, and This Past September) are mostly slow and sad, but the album has some very upbeat (even slightly hard) and happy songs as well.  In general, it’s just incredibly emotional, and not in an emo way.  He’s not a kid and he doesn’t have an emo voice, but his lyrics and his tone are very emotional.  This CD just moves me so much every time I listen to it, and it’s one of the very few CDs I own that I can listen to even when I’m not in the mood for it -- because I get a few seconds into the first song and it makes me want to hear the whole thing.  As I say on my music page, I really think this CD would appeal to nearly everyone.  The thing is, I haven’t met anyone who’s been excited about them at all, and I really can’t believe it.  Not that I’ve campaigned to discover such a person, but the couple people I know who’ve heard it have had decidedly cool reactions.  I just want to find someone feels like they’re going to burst with pure joy upon hearing it, as I do.

Posted by Anthony on reply

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