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Sibling Dinner ?
Hey, Penny... I am allowed to put a personal post on here calling out to our brothers and family for a dinner night? If not, take this off...
Otherwise, let’s try and figure out when we can get everyone together for dinner. I guess mainly you’re the problem, when is the next time you will be home? Hopefully, everyone can work around you schedule. Does Nick go on your site? If not, I’ll call him. I guess that’s it. Have a good day!!
oops, I meant ’am I allowed’! Sorry!!
Actually, my schedule is probably the easiest to work around; I can come home any weekend. I think you’ll have more trouble simultaneously rounding up Rolly/Margie, Brian/Heidi, and Nick. I think Nick comes by my site sometimes, but you might wanna beep him just in case.
And no, you can’t put a post about a family dinner on here. This entire post will self-destruct in 10 seconds.
Ok, how would NEXT Friday (30th) or Saturday (31st) night be for everyone? If not, give a date that would be good. Hopefully we can match something up!!
How did you get the nickname "Penny"? Sat night might be good for us. Margie is waiting to hear from her friend about possible plans for that night. I’ll keep you posted.
Anfernee Hardaway...’Penny’
Ahaa! Anthony balls just like him too. We can do dinner on Saturday night. Anyone else????
I’m down for Saturday too.
And I just talked to Nick... he too is available for Saturday night.
Hi everyone! About dinner... I am going to try to get Brian on the Nextel and see if that works for him.....
I can’t seem to get in touch with him, but I think that we can make if on Saturday night as well. Where are we going??
I’ll post again once I hear from Brian.
And Saturday is good for us, too. If no one used their Christmas gift certificates we can go to Outback or Carrabbas (sp?). Or, just suggest somewhere that you want to go!!
Hi again. Brian just called and Saturday is a go for us. We love Carrabas and Outback. Is there a Carrabas that is Central to everyone?? I only know of the one in Allentown on Cedar Crest Blvd.
Whatever will be fine for us.
That’s the only one that I know of, too. What time does everyone want to meet?
What’s Carrabas? Italian, right? 6 is a good time for us... We would probably prefer Outback, but we can go with a majority vote.
Peep the Carrabba’s website and menu. It’s Italian, but they’ve got a more extensive non-Italian selection than, say, Olive Garden. The best part is the fresh, steamy Italian bread, and the olive oil on a plate with green herby things. Mmmm.
Carrabba’s definitely gets my vote, but Outback is good too.
Oh, and they have the best calamari... how ’bout it, Tash...
I would take some cash to be the sway vote....
I will say that I do love their calamari; however, I do also love the Outback’s shrimp on the barbie... I love the Mmmm at the end, Anthony. Very subtle.
I think that since Penny is traveling (travelling?)the farthest, maybe he should decide.
Other news : Saturday is Rolly Sr.’s 50th birthday. Would anyone like to pop over there after dinner for some cake & gift giving? If so, then we should probably eat at say 5 (Rolly?) to be over there at a decent hour. So, give your dinner vote and cake vote and we can go from there...
PS - I can’t wait to see evryone!!!
Also, Heidi, are you going to bring Cailin? If so, then I will bring Sammy. And, in that case, should I invite Maria, too?
I think we should definitely go to dad’s afterwards. Or maybe even before, if after will be too late? Because if we have cake/ice cream first, then drive the 40 minutes to Carrabba’s, then wait howeverlong for a table (because I don’t think they take reservations), which will probably be a good 30-60 minutes on a Saturday night, then we’ll be hungry again. Right?? Or, if not, then we can just go to dad’s after.
i still have my gift certificate.
i say carabba’s if only because i haven’t been there yet.
i forgot about dad’s birthday but i would think it would be better to go before we eat rather than after as dad will probably be asleep by like 6 or something.
Yeah. I remembered about Dad’s bday too. 50 is a pretty big deal. Perhaps we should all take him out for dinner to a restaurant he likes. This way we can treat him to dinner and won’t have to stress about finding a gift for him.
That’s a good idea, but where to take him? Any mental associations that I have between dad and restaurants are because of times when he complained about how bad a given restaurant was.
yeah I hear ya. What about chincareens or whatever its called. Doesn’t he like that one?
Hi there everyone! To answer Tasha - bring Sam and Maria! The more the merrier. We are bringing Cailin - she’s got to see her Aunts and Uncles!!
About Rolly Sr - I am not sure what Brian would say, but turning 50 is a big birthday - maybe we should take them out to dinner. If he doesn’t like it - well, at least we tried. Rolly is right - it really is hard to think of a gift for him. Whatever will be fine for us. It doesn’t matter to us if we just go to their house before or after dinner for cake. And as far as restaurants - we love both - I kinda love Carrabas better -
ok if we decide to take Dad and Jeannie out too, I assume it won’t be Carraba’s or Outback. I can only think of 2 places where I know Dad likes, Chincareens and 7 stars. 7 stars is pricey and I’m not sure about the other. Anyone else have any ideas?? Anyway if we do not take them out with us, it sounds like Carrabas is the choice. Margie and I have never been there so we’re game to try it.
Alright, I really don’t want to take him to dinner, because then it’s just so stressful as to whether he is going to be happy or not. But, then again, he’s not my Dad... So you guys can decide. I don’t know for sure if he likes Chiccarines or not anymore. But, we can always go over there first to give gifts and invite them to go along to Carrabba’s with us. Then, he can decide if he feels like going or not. Dan and I are just going to give him $$ to spend in St. Martin. ’50’ $2 dollar bills, to go with the ’50’ theme. If anyone wants to expand on that, we could all go in together and give him ’50’ $5’s or ’50’ $10’s. I’m sure he would rather have money than some dumb gift!! No offense to anyone who already bought a dumb gift!! I’ll be out for the rest of the day, so if anyone wants to discuss this in person, call Dan @ home for his cell #, which I will be carrying today.
woh. $100. You’re setting the bar high! Knowing it’s a special occasion, I think we should take him somewhere, but only if we could be assured that he likes it before we go. Maybe Jeannie can help us out here with places he likes. If I’m gonna spend $100 I’d rather treat him to a meal with all his kids, hoping that would be more meaningful to him than just spending cash. I know he likes 7 stars, but that would be like $1000 for all of us to eat there. However, if we can’t come up with a place we know he will like beforehand that’s reasonably priced, I like Tasha’s idea above, and would like to join in on the "50" theme with 50 fivers from us all.
That sounds like a good plan, Tasha. We can meet over there (assuming they will be home) to give him a card with money or whatever and then he can decide if he would like to come to dinner.
Tasha - we’ll add a $50 or ’10’ $5s to the pile. I am sure he would like money to spend in St. Martin - good thinking!
Also, regarding the wait time for dinner. I know that with Carrabbas (at least the one in Allentown), you can call ahead and put your name in prior to getting there. So, we could call from Dad and Jeannies to shorten our wait time. I am sure we will wait long enough anyway. :)
Is anyone going to let Jeannie and Dad know that we are planning on coming over?? What time is good for everyone?? We are pretty flexible.
I agree that taking him out is more meaningful than giving him cash. And I think it’s pretty rare that they go out to eat to somewhere fancy, let alone with all the kids. Last time was when we went to that Italian place, right? Buca di Beppo or whatever? And that went well, I think.
When I think of Chiccarines, I think of how Tasha used to love it there, until she got a rubber band in her soup, and never went back. So... that isn’t my perfect picture of happiness in a restaurant. 7 Stars is expensive, but if we’re voting, I’m fine with it... when you’re borrowing your way through college for tens of thousands of dollars, what’s another fifty spot or two.
I was never out to eat at Buca with Dad. The last time I went out with him was when he treated us to 7 stars for some reason. It was Brian and I, and I think only Dad & Jeannie, and Tash & Dan. That was like 7-8 years ago or more. Man, I’m getting old. I guess we should stay away from places that serve rubber bands with the soup.
Are you sure you weren’t there? I remember down at my end of the table, me and Brian (and whoever else) got a big rectangular pizza... dad was up at the other end... and when we left, Brian had some weights of yours in his car, that you were getting from him? Or vice-versa?
Or maybe that was two different times at Buca. Either way, dad was definitely there ONE of the times, and it was like one or two years ago.
yeah that is 2 diff times you’re talking about. I was gonna give Brian some weights to store, but ended up not doing that. That was 2 years ago and it was just the siblings.
so does he like Buca???
I think this would be funny:
Heh... funny, but sick.
Well I just talked to mom... dad didn’t like Buca at all, because there were too many people and he couldn’t really talk to any of us (??) being at the end of a long table, and it was too noisy. And, she had already suggested that they should go out somewhere, but dad doesn’t really want to. So... mom is just going to have cake/ice cream at 5, and we should all stop by then, and then we can go out to eat after, at 6 or 7 or whatever. I think we should offer to take dad out, even though he’ll probably decline.
What say ye, all?
why sick? I would love to see his face when he walks out in the morning and sees 50 dinosaurs on his lawn. Imagine that.
So I guess it’s cake and ice cream at 5. We can’t make him go out if he doesn’t wanna. I was actually wondering why Jeannie never seems to have us all over for dinner for Dad’s bday. The rest of us have been getting bday dinners pretty reugularly..
i can’t see him liking the lawn display!! it would be funny to see his reaction to it though. cake and ice cream at 5. is that European to have dessert prior to dinner???
look what you started, tasha! :)
WOW !! 38 comments... Penny, is that a record?? OK, so it’s set then? Meet at Mom’s at 5pm for cake & gift. Call ahead for seating, ask Rolly if he wants to go and head on out. Are we going to give 1 card and all sign it? I can get the card if you want to do it that way...
I’m not sure I like this. We’re gonna show up and hang out for an hour, then go out by ourselves to eat dinner, on his 50th? Sure he might not wanna go out, but maybe he would want us to stay THERE for dinner?
I would definitely be down for staying there for dinner, but the thing about that is, if it’s some kind of big dinner, chances are that dad would have to buy part of it or help prepare it or something. Unless we were to do all that...
And yes, at 40-some replies, this is surely the longest thread of all time for my site.
Rolly, Mom already said that she doesn’t want to make dinner... But, we are inviting him to dinner, so it’s up to him if he wants to hang out with us or not.
I just heard on the news that Oprah turned 50 yesterday.
ok. I guess that’s all we can do. Sorry for being so sappy. So 50 $5’s it is, and Tash is gonna get the card, right? We’re in for 10 $5’s. So if Tash and Dan are in for 20 $5’s, that leaves 10 more for Anthony, Nick, & Maria to cover. Does that sound ok? And we’re on for 5 tomorrow at Dad’s, right?
You aren’t being sappy, Rolly. It is really weird to go to their house for cake and ice cream and then we all go out for dinner, but if he doesn’t want to go - what are the options??
We could take dinner to them, but I don’t want to make any work for Jeannie if she wasn’t planning on making anything.
About the money... don’t forget us - we are in for 10 $5’s too. So, Tasha and Dan - only give 10 $5’s - and then we are good to go.
I’ll give you money for the card, Tasha.
Why doesn’t Rolly Sr like to go out to eat?? Were you all bad when you were younger - did you all cause a scene or something?????
Yeah. Weirdness. I give up trying to understand. I was counting you guys in for $50 also. We need $250 altogether, so if we give $50, B&H give $50, and T&D give $100(as Tash previously intended), that leaves $50 for Anthony and Nick to cover. We won’t make Maria contribute. I think it’s more fair that Anthony and NIck contribute less since they are single entities, and the rest of us are couples. If we wanted to make it a little more even we could have A&N cover $60, B&H and R&M cover $65 each, and T&D cover $60 since Tash is getting the card. How’s that sound?
Just a mild clarification: if each person is giving $25, as suggested, then Nick and I aren’t actually giving less; we’re giving $25 each, like everyone else (with the exception of Tasha & Dan who volunteered to give double).
Rolly’s second suggestion of $30 per person (or $32.50 for some) would be ok, too.
In any event, we’re going to get fresh five-spots from a bank, right? In which case, it probably makes sense for a single person to do that, and the rest of us pay that person back.
ok. I’ll go to the bank at lunch and get 50 fresh fins. And we can work out the math details over dinner tomorrow. If we don’t hear from Tash by noon, I’ll give her a call.
And regarding why dad doesn’t like go to out to eat: I don’t think it’s that in particular that he dislikes. He’s just introverted, so I think going out in general isn’t his favorite thing to do. I can see why that would seem bizarre to a Schreier, because you guys are some of the most outgoing people I know, but it’s perfectly normal to another introvert like me. (Of course, I’m no where near as introverted as dad (I do like going out...), but then, who is?)
Hmmm, before I suggest dinner next time, I’m going to look harder at the date...
I just want to clarify - I’m getting the card, Rolly’s getting the $, we’re meeting at R & J’s at 5pm, and then if they want to go, great, if not we’ll head out after calling ahead for seating? And, we can spend a couple of hours there and leave for dinner around 7 or so, he’ll be ready for bed by then anyway, b/c he is working on Saturday.
And, just for the record, Anthony WAS very bad when he was little.
> And, just for the record, Anthony WAS very bad when he was little.
And assuming that Heidi will sub for Brian on this thread, it’s 3 against 1, so we’d arrive pretty quickly at the truth about who was really bad when they were little : )
You really are evil, aren’t you...
That just proves how bad you really were!!
yeah who’s the one that used to blackmail us into doing things or else we would be told on? who’s the one that used to steal olives out of other peoples’ salads and then deny it? Nuff said:) I’m gonna rig the bills in a box so Dad has something to do after he opens it. Tash, I guess you’ll sign the card for all of us, right? Including Maria.
You guys are way too funny and by the way, this family is COMPLICATED! :) Anthony, I just checked with Brian and he said that you were VERY BAD as a child!
See you all tomorrow @ 5:00. Don’t forget to bring your gift certificates. Thanks for picking up the bills, Rolly.
Brian is so glad that he works on the road and doesn’t have to get involved with making the plans!
> Anthony, I just checked with Brian and he
> said that you were VERY BAD as a child!
Yes, well... what I meant was, if Heidi subs for Brian and does so in an honest manner, then we’ll arrive at the truth. Alas, this.
Oh my, oh my, here I am reading this thread from almost two years ago because I typed ’nick’ in the search box looking for photos of Nick at Anthony and Kim’s wedding. Well, I’m sitting here reading this with tears streaming down my face while laughing out loud. You kids are the best, really. God has truly blessed me. What a wonderful back-and-forth volley this was with you all just trying to get together for dinner and yet trying to do SOMETHING that your Dad MIGHT enjoy for his 50th birthday. As it turned out, we all ended up together enjoying dinner at Mama Maria’s in Boyertown. This after you all presented Dad with the cute ’box of 5’s’ (which, by the way, are still in the box in his closet...saved for a rainy day, I guess). Other events took place that night that none of us will ever forget yet God is good and we all are safe and well with new beautiful life among us. The bonds you have developed between you are something many siblings strive for. I cherish knowing you share such love for each other.
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