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Warm Weather Transportation Modes
Driving: 15 minutes to the parking garage, then a 15 minute walk to whatever building my class/work is in. Cost: $0.75/hour. Good music, but have to deal with other drivers, and I remain convinced that >90% of the drivers on the roads today have never passed any sort of driving test.
Biking: 15 minutes, directly from my house to the building my class/work is in. Cost: free. No music. Good exercise though, and it’s fun. (OK, driving is fun too.)
When it’s warm enough for it, biking is definitely the way to go. (I’m not into biking in the freezing cold winter, like some people are.) But it’s sort of ridiculous that it’s actually faster to bike to campus -- twice as fast -- than to drive there. That’s what happens when your school replaces parking lots with buildings a few times per year. It won’t be long till the only way to get into your building is by parachute.
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