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Strange Dreams
I’ve been having really weird dreams lately. I just now woke up (slept from about 8-12) after dreaming one of ’em.
I was in my room at home, which for some reason was the front end room, which isn’t really my room anymore. I looked out the window, and the now-big tree that blocks much of the front horizon wasn’t there. In the distance, in an otherwise blue sky, there were a few giant puffy white clouds, but there were trees growing up through them. I guess it’d make more sense to say the clouds were passing through the trees, but the clouds were at normal cloud-height, not tree-height. It looked like something out of a video game: the clouds were totally opaque, and you’d just see a random branch sticking out here and there.
And apparently the sun was setting right behind this cloud/tree formation, because the sky was an amazing orange around it. I grabbed my camera and ran out front to take a photo. (Ran, because as anyone who attempts sunset photos knows, they sky is completely different one minute to the next, and it’s gone before you know it.)
Outside, my parents were washing some car that wasn’t ours but that was parked in our driveway, and it was parked at the bottom, which makes no sense. And the car had dad’s new radio on top of it. I wasn’t paying enough attention to them to notice that the radio-on-top-of-car-while-washing was bizarre, but of course that’s how things go in bizarre dreams.
I hopped up on the back of dad’s truck, trying to get a good shot at this amazing sunset, but as soon as I got out the door, dad said, "Can you get me another one of these?" Apparently he really liked the new radio and wanted another. Then he says, "For the operating system, were we supposed to choose linux, or FreeBSD, or...." Apparently the radio was a computer based on open-source software. "Well, we chose linux and it seemed to work."
I’m trying to focus on this sunset, and getting rather annoyed at this nonsense about the new radio. My parents stop washing (or whatever they were doing to that strange car) and come over to the truck. Now, my dad isn’t "computer illiterate" -- he’s a straight up technophobe, as in, won’t touch a computer with a 39.5 foot pole, won’t use a CD player (prefers tapes), etc. He starts talking to me about the differences between linux and FreeBSD.
Dad: I figured linux has more packages, right?
Me: Uh...
Dad: There’s probably, what, 25,000 packages for it?
Me: (utter silence)
Me: There’s probably a ton, yeah...
Dad: So how many gigabytes is that?
Me: (head reeling; realizing this amazing orange-sky-sunset-with-monster-trees-up-in-the-clouds is going to pass me by without so much as a single snap)
Dad: It came on two CDs, so I mean, it’s at least a gig and a half...
And that was the end.
For the record, I have been eating salsa lately, which I’ve never actually done before, except very occasionally at parties, etc. I don’t like anything spicy, so I’ve always tended to avoid it, but lately I realized that I really like mild salsa. So I suppose that could explain the strange dreams of late. Also, I found that Tostitos mild salsa has a strange taste to it. Not sure what it is, but I don’t like it at all. ChiChi’s mild salsa has the same salsa-base-taste but lacks the strange component, and that’s what I’ve been eating. (With shredded cheese on top.)
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