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« previous: Riddle | next: Summertime... »
WOO-HOO! I finally got a gravatar! Isn’t it precious?
Why oh why won’t mine work??
o my chicken, it’s there!
Teehehe : )
Speaking of chicken, that baby’s legs look like toothpicks! And actually so do the legs of the person next to the baby!
Anyway, who are the people in the photo? And why aren’t you feeding them?
I could see the person being Margie because she’s so skinny, but the baby?
Margie is skinny, but not that skinny!
It’s Sam and Emma you crazies!! They are the styrofoam kids... They don’t weigh anything! Emma is still only around 12 pounds and she’s almost 6 months old. Oh how I wish those were my legs :)
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