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2 posts found containing seared ahi.

1. Seared Ahi Tuna
(by Anthony, on Jan 04, 2008, at 01:19am)
... A couple months ago Kim and I tried to make seared ahi (yellowfin) tuna for the first time. Of course what makes this dish so great is the rawness of ... A couple months ago Kim and I tried to make seared ahi (yellowfin) tuna for the first time. Of course what makes this dish so great is the rawness of the...
2. Fishs
(by Anthony, on Mar 11, 2007, at 12:33pm)
... as that would be the freshest (theoretically at least). It's done best when not cooked at all, or seared 1-2 minutes per side. Mahi-mahi and wahoo are also very good. The next time I get some fresh tuna ... add that any fish is better with a nice dipping sauce like teriyaki. Tuna, of the yellow (Ahi) or blue fin variety. If you buy it, ask for the Sushi grade, as that would be the freshest (...

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