A bright snowy night

It seems that whenever it snows in State College, there are tons of low clouds, and this makes it really bright outside at night.  Especially through the woods in my backyard, because back there is Lowes, Wegmans, etc, and their lights light up the clouds and create a really neat effect.

These photos were taken around 8pm, well past dark.  I adjusted the shutter speed for a longer exposure to make the photos match the brightness of the night.  Lots of them are blurry because it's hard to hold the camera still on longer exposures... but it created a neat effect most of the time.  And it was snowing/raining so my lens had water drops on it, which is why you see the pretty light sparkles in some of the photos.

I took this one over 1.3 seconds, while walking.

The red makes this one stand out.

The sky was strangely bright and colored over that way.

This is the only shot where I used the flash. I hate the flash.