For my "bachelor party" my brother organized a trip to Ricketts Glen State Park for a hike down the waterfalls (and hopefully some jumps into them). It's really fun and beautiful there, but sadly, most of us (including me) didn't bring a camera. Nick V. brought his though, and these are the few shots he took. The movie at the end is the best part of this set, and it's only about 3 MB, so definitely check it out.
You can also peruse my mom's photos of us as we got ready to leave that morning.
This isn't at Ricketts Glen. I think maybe it was left on Nick's camera card from a previous day or something. |
This and the following 3 shots are rapid-fire of me jumping off a little ledge. |
In mid-jump... |
I know it looks like I'm about to do a face-plant here, but I totally didn't. It was merely the post-landing bounce for shock-absorbing action. |
(video) This small (3MB) movie shows me jumping off one of the big (~25 foot) cliffs at the bottom of all the falls, into the big pool of water at the bottom. You can see the jump and splash and everything; Nick V. did a great job capturing this. You can also see Nick D. at the bottom and then John Paul at the top, shaking his fist at me. |