
Photos of the Apple iPhone, along with my old blue Motorola i760 (2006-present), my even older gray Motorola i95cl (2003-2006), and my ancient Nokia 6161i (~1998-2000) for comparison.

Interesting and miscellaneous trivia about the 6161i: if I recall correctly, it did not receive the date/time from the cell network; you had to manually set the clock on it.

i96cl, i760, iPhone

As you can see, in the 3 years between the i95cl (previous image) and the i760, Motorola did pretty much nothing to advance the cell phone and its interface.

My camera and/or your computer monitor cause some of these images to appear grainy or to have a moire pattern, but in real life, the image is perfect, better than even your computer monitor because the iPhone's screen is twice the resolution of computer monitors.

Nokia 6161i
Motorola i95cl
Motorola i760
Apple iPhone

Nokia 6161i
Motorola i95cl
Motorola i760
Apple iPhone

Nokia 6161i
Motorola i95cl
Motorola i760
Apple iPhone

Nokia 6161i
Motorola i95cl
Motorola i760
Apple iPhone

Nokia 6161i
Motorola i95cl
Motorola i760
Apple iPhone

Nokia 6161i
Motorola i95cl
Motorola i760
Apple iPhone

Nokia 6161i
Motorola i95cl
Motorola i760
Apple iPhone

Nokia 6161i
Motorola i95cl
Motorola i760
Apple iPhone

Nokia 6161i
Motorola i95cl
Motorola i760
Apple iPhone

Nokia 6161i
Motorola i95cl
Motorola i760
Apple iPhone

Nokia 6161i
Motorola i95cl
Motorola i760
Apple iPhone

Nokia 6161i
Motorola i95cl
Motorola i760
Apple iPhone

Top: prehistoric

Middle: old and busted

Bottom: new hotness