Check out the associated blog post for all the details of this trip.
At the launch site, I got passed by 4 big dudes in a small inflatable raft. |
Inflating the kayak's anti-sink device. |
Setting up the seat. |
Assembling the paddle. |
(video) The launch! |
A bit of paddling around before setting off down the river. |
Heading out. |
There was a bridge just below the launch point, where mom drove down to and snapped a few photos. |
About halfway into the trip, I got brave and took my iPhone out of its 3 ziplock bags to take some photos. |
Not much to see really, just a nice tranquil river. |
(video) A brief look around and a summary of the trip so far. |
(video) Short clip showing the riverbed moving beneath me. |
Finished! |
The Glide on the Golf. |
The GPS trail of my trip, as shown in Google Maps (satellite view). |
The GPS trail of my trip, as shown in Google Maps (terrain view). |