This is a video; click here to watch it (3 MB).



  • This small (3MB) movie shows me jumping off one of the big (~25 foot) cliffs at the bottom of all the falls, into the big pool of water at the bottom.  You can see the jump and splash and everything; Nick V. did a great job capturing this.  You can also see Nick D. at the bottom and then John Paul at the top, shaking his fist at me.

    On a geeky side-note, this movie came out of Nick's camera in Apple's MOV format.  I followed this guide to convert it to a standard AVI video: the guide basically just says make sure to have DivX 3.1a or greater installed, and then use the BINK RAD Video Tools to convert the MOV to an AVI.  I then used virtualdub to rotate the video 90 degrees counter-clockwise, since Nick held the camera sideways to get a tall movie.


Oct 12, 2005 @ 08:54am

Help....I can’t view this; it opens in gzine, does that buffering thing up to 50% then ...nothing :(

Oct 12, 2005 @ 09:00am

In the "Open With..." dialog that pops up when you click the link, try a different video program (gxine, mplayer, gmplayer, or totem, all under /usr/bin/).

Oct 12, 2005 @ 11:29am

Sorry, I don’t get an "open with..." choice when I click the link; it auto opens in gzine :(  I tried to right click for an "open with..." menu but it’s not there either.

Oct 12, 2005 @ 11:41am

Cool footage! No audio though? (at least not for me on WMP at work)

Oct 12, 2005 @ 05:22pm

Yeah, no audio, sadly.  Either his camera doesn’t have it, or it was turned off, or something.  But there was none on the original MOV file.

And you can just tell that splash would have sounded awesome, too... rats.

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