This small (3MB) movie shows me jumping off one of the big (~25 foot) cliffs at the bottom of all the falls, into the big pool of water at the bottom. You can see the jump and splash and everything; Nick V. did a great job capturing this. You can also see Nick D. at the bottom and then John Paul at the top, shaking his fist at me.
On a geeky side-note, this movie came out of Nick's camera in Apple's MOV format. I followed
this guide to convert it to a standard AVI video: the guide basically just says make sure to have
DivX 3.1a or greater installed, and then use the
BINK RAD Video Tools to convert the MOV to an AVI. I then used
virtualdub to rotate the video 90 degrees counter-clockwise, since Nick held the camera sideways to get a tall movie.