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Not much
Mmmm, fatty grilled steak for breakfast makes me happy : )
So today is the day when the latest report will be presented to the UNSC by the top weapons inspectors. It will reveal nothing new, of course. It will merely show that Saddam is continuing to reveal bits and pieces (of his choosing) of whatever the world wants to hear. France, Russia, and Germany will continue to pretend that this is progress. They’ll continue to pretend that they’re not being played by Saddam. They’ll continue to push their "plan" which is simply to "sit around and wait," except that their new plan requires the US to pay for this ridiculous inaction by stationing 200,000 US troops near Iraq... not to go to war, but to "keep the peace" -- to keep Saddam in power. Because keeping Saddam in power allows France and Germany (and for different reasons, Russia) to collect their billions of dollars from Saddam. The sickest part of this whole Franco-Russo-German farce is that they are framing the situation as though they’re taking the moral high ground here.
Oh, and before I forget, "Happy Valentine’s Day," you perverts.
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