Looking for the name of a song, and perhaps a group or choir that sings it...

OK, I have watched the movie A Walk To Remember, and towards the beginning, there is a church scene, and the choir sings a song, it goes something along the lines of - ’let the light from the lighthouse, let it shine on me’

Does anyone know the name or a choir who sings it?  I like the song alot, and want to get a copy to listen to any time I would like.

Posted by steev on 2 replies


01. Jul 8, 2003 at 11:57pm by Tasha G.:

I believe the name of the song is "Lighthouse" or at least that’s what it says....

02. Jul 9, 2003 at 2:02am by steev:

You are correct.  I just did a search with the lyrics in quotes.  Amazing what will happen when you actually search.  I always forget about those handy sites.

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