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Power Outage
I spoke too soon. Although the power goes out at least a few times a month here, it’s usually only for a few minutes. Today, however, it was out for over 8 hours. My trusty Linux server’s uptime was killed at 72 days. Sigh.
On top of that, Crapcast Comcast has been particularly crappy the past few days; we’ve had a handful of multiple-hour interruptions in our internet access. I’ve been trying to get my login and mailinglist scripts finished and online, but every time I try, something just gets in the way. Tonight, however, is looking promising.
As an aside, the other day at work I realized that Fritos are amazing. They’re not my favorite snack of all time or anything. But they are really good, and what’s amazing about them is that they manage to be really good with only these ingredients:
corn oil
Just 3 ingredients, and 2 of them are the same thing. That is spectacular. You rarely if ever see that kind of thing nowadays, especially on snack foods like that.
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