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Miss me?
Hey, how ya all doing? Yeah, I’ve been gone for a while. Take a guess where I was. Disneyland? No. California? I wish. Japan? Oh, if only possible. No, I was stuck in the God-forsaken wasteland that is Fort Sill, Oklahoma.
I finally had to go back and finish my job training. I now officially know how to shoot a 155mm howitzer cannon. I actually already knew, but I never went though actual training to get a little slip that says "Congratulations, your now smart enough to be considered a true solider", though the term "smart solider" is a slightly broad term in it self.
Yeah, so I pretty much spent all summer getting yelled at by Drill Sergeants, showering with a bunch of other guys, learning something I already knew, and sweating in the Oklahoma heat. (Also we had to wait for another platoon to finish there training, so we did three weeks of training in six) All in all it was fun, but I’m more then happy to be back home.
P.S. Oh, and the part about it being fun; that was sarcasim.
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