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Hey, everyone. Does anyone remember me mentioning some friends and me doing a T.V. show for the local access channel? Well, the project is finally underway. I just need prayers that we don’t lose focus that it’s supposed to be for the big guy upstairs. Also, that it will actually be put on the air, which I doubt will be much of a problem. We still have a lot of filming to do and I still need to get the music videos, but showing it won’t be much of a problem. (I’ve actually seen three hours of another guy watching t.v. and how to make "special" brownies on this channel before) Well, we’re hoping to have the first episode filmed, but not fully edited before my b-day on Oct. 17th. I got some editing equipment for my comp. Though, not top-of-the-line, it’ll do the trick. It’s a Pinnical Linux adapter to transfer my anolog tapes into digital, plus editing software. It’s pretty nice. The show is going to be called the C.O.W. show. Sorry, can’t tell you what that stands for. The only people that are going to know are those that are working on the show and those that pay real close attention to the opening. We have a segment we are going to do called "e-mail of the month". The address is The_Cow_Show@hotmail.com, so send us any question you want. Trust me, it can be as stupid as you want. The dumber and funnier, the more likely it will be put on the show. Well, thanks and if you have any ideas, let me know.
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