Stinking Lycopene

According to that commercial, "lycopene is one of the ingredients in tomatoes that may help to reduce the risk of heart disease."  So of course now all the multivitamins (whether it’s One-a-Day, One Daily, or the generic Wegmans version) have to have it.  Which is ridiculous, but whatever, that alone wouldn’t really bother me.  What bothers me is that now the pills are about twice as big.  (Just how that’s possible with the addition of only one vitamin, when there were already like 25 vitamins in it, I have no idea.)  Not only that, but apparently lycopene is made out of sandpaper, because the pills are no longer smooth.  It used to be easy to swallow them, but now it’s a lot like skinning your knees on the sidewalk for about 20 feet.  That’s beat.  I’m switching back to Flintstones vitamins.

And that commercial bugs me too.  Tomatoes don’t have "ingredients."  That’s like saying sirloin is an ingredient in cows.  Come on.

Posted by Anthony on 3 replies


01. Oct 24, 2003 at 04:45pm by tasha:

You have way too much time on you hands...

02. Oct 27, 2003 at 10:01am by Patrick Copland:

No!  Not enough time to fight on!  Fight on Anthony!  Fight the lycopene!  Fight the sandpaper!  Fight the sirloin!

03. Oct 29, 2003 at 11:16am by Anthony:

The sirloin!!  Ha!

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