
Den Beste takes the phony "legitimization through internationalization" argument and hangs it out to dry:

I wonder if Gerges is aware of the Iraqi opinion of the UN? A couple of weeks ago a delegation from Iraq went to the UN and made a speech castigating it for its utter failure and betrayal of the Iraqi people. Why does Gerges think that the people of Iraq would be somehow reassured if everything was turned over to them?

As to us convincing the Iraqis that we do not plan "to stay for too long", that’s exactly the message they most don’t want to hear. Obviously they don’t want to become an American colony, and we don’t intend to make Iraq such a colony. But it’s vital that we remain involved there for the long run, and vital that they believe we will be. Polls of Iraqis have consistently shown that one of their greatest fears is exactly that we’d pull out early and leave them on their own.

As to "legitimacy", we’re earning legitimacy the hard way, by accomplishing things. We’re earning it by repairing schools, and by repairing and rebuilding infrastructure, and by delivering electric power, and by making the streets increasingly safe from crime, and by not retreating even though our men are being killed. One bombing attack against the UN caused it to lift its skirts and scurry away out of the country; but after nine months of constant attacks against us, we’re still there. That’s legitimacy.

Go read it.

Posted by Anthony on reply

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