The Palestinian Authority... what a joke

We need to blow up every single government building in Palestine and set up martial law there. Our troops need to hunt down and kill the spineless cowards who run the groups responsible for the suicide bombings and other civilian murders. The "Palestinian Authority" is a joke, and Yasser Arafat is a joke.

These savages need to learn, indeed, must be forced to understand, that killing civilians is unacceptable and will not be tolerated.  Why isn’t anyone sending them that message?  Why are we letting them kill hundreds of women and children this way?

War is an engagment between armies.  Killing women, children and other civilians is not.  It is a selfish act of cowardice.  War involves willing participants.  Civilians by definition are not willing participants.

These people are killing civilians, and their government is allowing it.  It’s been going on for years, and they’ve made it clear that they have no intention of stopping it.  So someone needs to force them to stop it.

Posted by Anthony on reply

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