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More Mac Craziness
From the description of Apple’s new GarageBand software:
GarageBand turns your Mac into an anytime, anywhere recording studio packed with hundreds of instruments and a recording engineer or two for good measure. It’s the easiest way to create, perform and record your own music whether you’re an accomplished player or just wish you were a rock star. And GarageBand is the newest member of the iLife family, so you can add your original music to your slideshows, your DVD menus, burn it to CDs or score your iMovie projects.
iLife ? OK, I’m starting to think that Steve Jobs is the anti-Christ.
Anyway... I’m reading about this new software, and I come upon a messageboard on the Apple site. One guy made an angry post about how it’s "Deceptive & Misleading" that in the advertising for GarageBand, Apple doesn’t mention that you need a DVD player to install it.
But the interesting part is the replies from the Mac community. Some of them are really brutal:
RE: Deceptive & Misleading
i’m sorry you feel cheated but come on bud, if you your mac is so "new" then it will have a dvd drive.RE: Deceptive & Misleading
I guess I’d be mad too if I didn’t have a DVD player, but Tim (and everyone else for that matter) should learn to accept his own mistakes.RE: Deceptive & Misleading
Lots of solutions by bringing it in by other Macs with Superdrives or Combos, but (and don’t take this as criticism) your best bet is to take advantage of current low prices on eMacs and upgrade... Small Dog Electronics has new Superdrive eMacs with 1GB RAM and 80GB HD that will boot into OS 9 for (ta-da!) $999. Then eBay out your old Mac and you’re good.RE: Deceptive & Misleading
First off - the only thing deceptive and misleading is this post. How dare you come here and slam Apple the way you just because YOU don’t have a DVD player! And it is obvious that YOU didn’t read the requirements. Don’’t blame your obvious shortcomings on Apple. Go buy a DVD player and start reading software boxes.People like you amaze me.
RE: Deceptive & Misleading
Take 10 deep breaths, then buy a new Mac.RE: Deceptive & Misleading
It’s not my fault that some of you don’t want to invest in your machines like you should.RE: Deceptive & Misleading
Tim, I hope you have benefitted from all of this GREAT feedback on your post. Everyone - I think the point has been made. I see no further use in discussing this topic further. If there is anyone monitoring this discussion board, maybe this post should be locked and then - discarded.RE: Deceptive & Misleading
I can’t believe people are still adding replies to this thread either. What can they be thinking of ?RE: Deceptive & Misleading
SHORT DESCIPTIVE HERE..... If your not happy with MAC and all you can do is whine HAHHAH you have one choice Go over to the PC world .. now then enjoy that hell..... Grass is so much Greener on this sideRE: Deceptive & Misleading
I barely know where to start here...
First, the people tormenting the guy because he doesn’t have a DVD drive, telling him he should "accept his own mistakes" and stop "blaming his obvious shortcomings on Apple." Ha!
Then, recommending that the best solution would be to just buy a whole new machine at $1000 -- yeah, great solution for a guy whose entire point was that he shouldn’t have to buy a DVD drive to use software that has nothing to do with DVDs.
And the best part is the end, when the thought police drop by and decide that someone needs to lock the post, to forcibly prevent people from continuing the discussion!
Then, for good measure, another person replies to say that replying is a bad idea.
And... a post which consists only of "lol" repeated 252 times... ugh, no comment. One "lol" is terrible enough.
Then there’s this reply:
Apple’s smart. Why would they offer great software for $49....So you have to buy the machine with the Superdrive! Why wait to release this stuff until after Christmas when everyone is broke? Best believe apple is getting theirs as they’ll be debt free in Feb.!!!! GO APPLE!
...which is just sad.
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