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Just a Few Things
While hitting up glish.com to read about css and positioning, I read a couple interesting things on his blog:
I think maybe the most important dividing line (a sort of mendoza line, if you speak baseball) on the spectrum that stretches from "being stupid" to "being smart" is that line to the right of which fall people that are stupid, but smart enough to know it.
I think that is profound.
Then this, from his four-year-old daughter, is hilarious:
The other day she drew some marks on a sheet of paper and said, (really, she said it): "these guys are the good guys, and these guys are the bad guys. If the good guys win, they still lose, but if the bad guys win, they really win."
Also hilarious is that O’Reilly was supposed to have Snoop Dogg on The Factor sometime this week, but apparently he cancelled, and while talking about it, he referred to him as "Mr. Dogg."
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