Good One

My mom sent me this article about how the European Union has fined Microsoft $613 million.  It’s nothing new for MS, but one thing caught my eye:

EU Competition Commissioner Mario Monti said the ruling was "proportionate," noting that "dominant companies have a special responsibility to ensure that the way they do business doesn’t prevent competition." ... Monti said could have imposed worldwide restrictions on Microsoft but limited the order to Europe in deference to regulators in the United States and other countries.

Monti is delusional, too.  "Deference" to US regulators?  That’s a euphemism if ever there was one.  It would be very interesting to see the "EU Competition Commissioner" claim anything like worldwide jurisdiction in attempt to take such an action against MS.  The European Union is almost as much of a myth as "international law," but even if it were some sort of legitimate entity, it would have no power to dictate terms of the relationship between MS and the USA or any other non-EU country.  To say that his statement is a "pretentious load of crap" would be doing him a favor.

Posted by Anthony on reply

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