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Sometimes I feel like I need to make new friends. I’m such a loner here, and I don’t really "go out" much.
OK, there are lots of reasons for that which are unrelated to friends; c.f. having lots of work to do, wanting to work on personal projects (musicbox, programming, etc) when I’m not doing schoolwork, and the fact that most of the activities I really like (drumming, biking, caving, driving aimlessly) aren’t really group activities.
But the thing is, I don’t really want to make new friends. I’m not totally against it, but it’s not a priority for me, as it seems to be for many people. Maybe what I mean is, I don’t want to make friends for the sake of making friends, if that makes any sense. When people have common interests or go to the same places frequently, friendships might tend to form. But it seems like many/most people are driven to constantly socialize and try to make friends as much as possible. I’m not.
In high school, my small group of friends was pretty "tight" as they say. I don’t think we were outcasts in any real sense, and it’s not like we didn’t interact with other kids, but it always felt like (for me at least) it was us against the world. I never really thought much about that before now, but I think I still hold to that mentality. I interact with people here when I need to, but these people aren’t my friends; I already have friends, they’re just not here.
Of course, I’ve made some new friends since high school, but very few -- maybe 1 or 2 or 3 -- that I would consider close friends in any sense comparable to my high school friends.
I’m not a "group person." I pretty much like to hang out with people one on one, unless it’s my close friends because that’s different as I said. In social situations where you have maybe a friend or two, or just some acquaintances, in the group, there’s this pressure to "mingle" or "make friends" or at least just shoot the breeze with the other people. And I hate that.
So the only time any of this really comes up is times like tonight. My friend Jeremy was playing an acoustic set on campus (and Rob played a few songs with him). There were probably 8 people there who I knew, but most of them were faint acquaintances if that, and none besides Jeremy were close friends. I got there a couple minutes late, but the show was about 25 minutes late, so there was basically a half hour to wait. I sat at a table with the people I knew, and everyone was doing the whole social interaction thing. I have no problem doing that, but I also have no desire to do that. (See previous paragraph.) I guess people in general enjoy social interaction, but I just find it to be awkward.
(As an aside, that all makes it fiendishly hard to meet girls. I guess I need to qualify the above paragraphs by saying that I do want to interact with girls. ... Then again, no, I don’t. I want to interact with one girl in a long-term kind of way; I want to make girl friends only as much as I want to make guy friends.)
Anyway, it was a fun night, because I love music and I love to hear Jeremy play. But it was awkward too.
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