
Today I saw what was probably the scariest billboard I’ve ever seen.  It had a white background, with a top-view of a translucent brain in the middle, and over top of it in big black letters, it said: With Stroke, Time Lost is Brain Lost.

Posted by Anthony on 4 replies


01. Apr 4, 2004 at 01:02pm by kaiser:

What was it advertising?  A drug?

02. Apr 4, 2004 at 06:04pm by Anthony:

What I mentioned is literally all there was to the billboard.  My guess is that it’s a PSA-type thing to raise awareness.

03. Apr 8, 2004 at 05:58pm by kaiser:

Ok, now that I’m aware, how do I prevent it?

04. Apr 11, 2004 at 12:10am by Anthony:

I drove past it again tonight -- there is more text on it, but it’s really small below the "Time Lost is Brain Lost" line, and I couldn’t make it out at eig.... at the speed I was travelling at.  (And it’s on the opposite side of the highway, set back a little in a field, which makes it even harder.)

As for prevention, I don’t know.

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