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What It's Really About
If you’ve followed the "Sept 11 Subcommittee Hearings" or whatever they’re called, then you know what a joke they are. It’s a (frankly rather blatant) attempt by the left to gain political points with voters and has nothing whatever to do with "learning the truth." In a seemingly unrelated post, SDB sums it thus:
Ever since 9/11, the powerless Left in the US, and "allies" in Europe, have been trying to set themselves up to be able to say I Told You So, but the catastrophes they predicted have universally failed to manifest. It’s been a frustrating time for them.
Has the administration made mistakes? Of course it has. Has it confessed to doing so? Yes, but not the way the Left wants it to. The Bush administration acknowledges its errors through actions, not words. When it recognizes that it’s done something wrong, it tries to fix it. For example, the first administrator sent to Iraq to supervise the rebuilding process was a dismal failure, and after six weeks he was politely kicked upstairs and Bremer was sent to take over.
But that’s not what the Left wants. What they want is a public mea culpa, a humble abasement, delivered in somber tones with eyes downcast, after which the administration would voluntarily submit itself for flogging. That’s because they want the administration to acknowledge as mistakes some major decisions which the administration clearly still thinks was right.
This isn’t about "honesty" or "openness" or "accountability" or any such drivel; it’s about serious disagreements regarding major political policies, and the Left has utterly failed to prevail on those issues on the political level. So they are trying to gain through the backdoor what they cannot win legitimately.
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