I found this evil thing walking across the bathroom floor today. He was a little bigger than a quarter with those legs. Unfortunately CJ was nowhere to be found, so I had to smash him to bits myself after photographing him.
ew, ew, ew!!!! What are those nasty front claw-type thingys ???? And how close did you have to get to take these photos? And, and you mean you took your eyes off of it to go get your camera? Yikes, it could’ve been long gone by the time you got back. Think of this; getting up in the middle of the nite to go take care of an urgent need and not turning on the light!
I had to get pretty close, but he’s under a glass, as you can (I guess not) see. He was sitting still when I came upon him, and my camera is just a few steps away, and my bathroom is really small, and he’s huge, so I wasn’t worried about losing him.
Still, e gads, though, for sure.
And... I don’t really like the idea of going to the bathroom in the pitch black, so I always turn the light on :)
Some like these are common here, but much larger, called Banana Spiders. They hang out outside in swamp low tree branches; also love to nest, dangling from the soffit of the screened back porch, waiting to lunch on other critters smaller then them, caught in their web! Frighteningly, once or so a year one may find it’s way indoors : ( then all panic breaks out, between me and IT!) INDOOR PREVENTIVE MEASURE: Go to Wal-Mart and buy Bengal Roach Spray--guaranteed. Spray all doorways, windows, cracks. IT WORKS!!!
P.S. Laura’s senior year 2000 at U/F, spending the night once @her apartment, I reached for my half full glass of orange juice in the dark (!) and felt something crawling around my fingers. I absolutely panicked, yelling for Laura to reach for the fan light, then we both SCREAMED!!! It was a monsterous HUGE 3" Palmetto Bug! (Mom call them roaches. They aren’t roaches.) Sooo gross! EEEEEK! ...so be careful! ALWAYS TURN YOUR LIGHT ON! And, be safe!