19-inch monitor, anyone?

I’m looking to sell my 19" monitor because I want to buy an LCD monitor. I relocate about 10 times a year, going from school to home and home to school and back all the time, and I need something smaller. So if you know anyone who might want it, let me know.  I need about $130 for it.  It’s a KDS Visual Sensation 195e.

Posted by Anthony on 3 replies


01. Nov 8, 2002 at 10:28pm by steev:

if you’d be willing to, i know it isn’t much, but i have a 15" sony SDM-M51D lcd flatpanel that i’d be willing to trade you....

02. Nov 9, 2002 at 4:40am by Anthony:

Hmmmm... even trade... that’s tempting. Well I’ve been following the LCD market for a year or so now, and from what I’ve read, only the newest (late summer / fall 2002) LCDs can achieve the brightness and color fidelity of traditional CRT monitors. Which is only a big deal if you do a lot of digital photography... which I do.  And I’m sorta hoping to get a 17" LCD, but they’re still ridiculously expensive, so I don’t know whether that will happen.

Anyway I’m keeping up with Tom’s Hardware reviews, and there are just a couple LCDs that I’m considering.  So I have to decline... sadly.  But I appreciate the offer.

03. Nov 9, 2002 at 4:24pm by steev:

No problem, I figured you would - it kinda sits there unused atm, because its hooked up to my webserver box, no real reason for it, except its waiting on me to finish building my new computer so it can be my secondary monitor.

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