Get out of our country

I have had it with whiny "Americans" who are anti-war and anti-government and anti-everything. War is a necessary part of human history and the human present.  You can be an idealist all you want and say "war is bad" but in the real world, we have problems to solve, and if someone threatens us we need to protect our people.

These are the same people who, after September 11th, were saying "why didn’t the government protect us?"  Now, when there is a clear threat that we have the ability to fight against and prevent attacks from, people are against it?

As April put it: "I support a war with Iraq.  If we don’t go to war and Saddam drops a nuke on the US, then I have only one is the families of the people who opposed the war that suffer the greatest."  A-freaking-men is what I say to that.

The fact is that freedom and safety are not free.  They never have been free.  Just because YOU take them for granted, that doesn’t mean they can’t be taken away.  The fact is that people fought and died to allow you those freedoms, and freedom has NEVER come without war.  One thing that has consistently defined America is its willingness to fight to protect its people, its freedom, and when necessary, that of other peoples.

If you’re not willing to fight for America, or to support those who will fight, then get the heck out -- we don’t need you here and we don’t want you here.

Posted by Anthony on 13 replies


01. Feb 2, 2003 at 5:39pm by April:

There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t think about dropping out (well, I only have 97 more days so I wouldn’t really do that) and enlisting in the military. I even think of giving up the job I love so much (and it is awesome money too) to become an officer.  Women still aren’t allowed in combat and perhaps for good reasons but if this war happens a day won’t go by that I won’t wish that I am out in front fighting not only in defense of the people of the United States but also for the people of Iraq.  I believe in our great Nation and I believe we do good things (and I am not saying it is all good all the time or it has never been bad) and I long to be apart of that.  Basically what I am trying to say is I would fight any day for this country and for freedom and democracy, few gifts are greater then the gift of choice!!

02. Feb 2, 2003 at 8:12pm by Amanda:

In response to the original message, I just want to say, there are many people in America who don’t understand the harsh realities of life. Some of them fool themselves because they live the good life in suburbia, some fool themselves because they are uneducated and in poverty and want to hide the truth from themselves.

Maybe I haven’t had a hard life, and don’t understand reality as well as I could.  But I’m open to the truth.

You complain about Americans.  *I* want to include Europeans in the complaint.  As a Usenet addict, I have seen most intelligent European posters in the newsgroups I read spouting off this condemnation of the US.  Why can’t they understand that fighting for something better is the right way, and preserving the status quo may be comfortable for them but achieves nothing?!?  Even the good life they live came at a price, for example, some American lives in WWII.

03. Feb 2, 2003 at 10:59pm by Anthony:

> Even the good life they live came at a price, for 
> example, some American lives in WWII.

Exactly! This is such a simple issue that it’s mind-boggling to me that anyone is against  forcibly removing Saddam at this point.  1) You have freedom and a good life, 2) Saddam wants nothing more than to ruin that for the whole world.  So... your options are: cry about it, or do something about it!  Personally I don’t see "whine about people who ARE doing something about it" as a valid option.

04. Feb 3, 2003 at 5:27pm by John Paul:

Look Anthony I don’t think Saddam is some kind of holy ghost or anything or that his actions are justifiable but we don’t know and will never come to understand the ramafications our actions deal. Yes we do have to fight but with our hearts and our actions of kindness, Jesus said he could teach by his examples.  What do we teach with ours, killing, m-16’s handed out to little kids villages grenaded during Vietnam.  Pardon my language but war is [oops]ed up we don’t know who we’re killing and what happens to a young mind when faced with that thought.  Sure Saddam has to be stopped and the threat must be eliminated but there will be more threats because the way we act, arrogant, cocky, our feelings were hurt people died we want revenge well killing a million more won’t bring them back.  I like how you consider me a coward because you think I won’t fight.  Then i am coward because i won’t kill some one because they way some flag in my face and say shoot in my book people don’t die in vain unless you let them. NOt an Idealist just maybe the last person left who crazy enough to hold on to hope because I can imagine a better world, with better people and better concerns not just for your country men but for any living thing that has a soul.

05. Feb 3, 2003 at 5:50pm by Anthony:

John Paul you are so close-minded it’s ridiculous. You say the same thing to me over and over, and you NEVER listen to my responses.

You are saying "we can resolve this peacefully, without war."  We have TRIED that for over 12 years and it has FAILED.  By continuing to say that, you are showing that you have no idea what is actually going on in the world.  Saddam has done everything he can, from lying repeatedly to murdering his own officials, to deceive the world and keep amassing weapons of mass destruction.  We are not going to war for the sake of killing, we are going to war to SAVE lives, because Saddam has the ability to kill many more people in an instant than will be killed in this war.  You are closing your eyes to the simple facts of this conflict and blindly shouting "Save The Children!(TM)" like every other liberal coward.

> Yes we do have to fight but with our hearts and 
> our actions of kindness, Jesus said he could teach 
> by his examples.

You are throwing around unrelated emotional topics in order to gain support for your unsupportable argument.  God led his people to war many many times in the bible.  Not everything can be resolved peacefully.  You live in a fairy tale.

> NOt an Idealist just maybe the last person left who 
> crazy enough to hold on to hope because I can imagine 
> a better world

Yes, an idealist, and no, not "the last one left."  There are TONS of other anti-war hippies who refuse to face reality.

And I’m glad you can imagine a better world, because if we don’t go to war, and we get hit with a nuclear bomb, that’s the ONLY way you’re ever going to see a better world... by imagining it.  Those are the simple facts and you are ignoring them.

You haven’t presented a single shred of factual evidence supporting your opinion since we’ve been talking about this.  All you’ve said, over and over, is "war is bad" and "let’s try peace" and "save the children(tm)."  If you aren’t willing to actually address the issues in an intelligent way, and instead insist on IGNORING them and IGNORING my responses, then please don’t converse with me any more on this topic.  It is a WASTE of TIME to talk to a person who refuses to listen.

06. Feb 3, 2003 at 6:17pm by Anthony:

From the State of the Union address:

The United Nations concluded in 1999 that Saddam Hussein had biological weapons sufficient to produce over 25,000 liters of anthrax -- enough doses to kill several million people. He hasn’t accounted for that material. He’s given no evidence that he has destroyed it.

The United Nations concluded that Saddam Hussein had materials sufficient to produce more than 38,000 liters of botulinum toxin -- enough to subject millions of people to death by respiratory failure. He hadn’t accounted for that material. He’s given no evidence that he has destroyed it.

Our intelligence officials estimate that Saddam Hussein had the materials to produce as much as 500 tons of sarin, mustard and VX nerve agent. In such quantities, these chemical agents could also kill untold thousands. He’s not accounted for these materials. He has given no evidence that he has destroyed them.

U.S. intelligence indicates that Saddam Hussein had upwards of 30,000 munitions capable of delivering chemical agents. Inspectors recently turned up 16 of them -- despite Iraq’s recent declaration denying their existence. Saddam Hussein has not accounted for the remaining 29,984 of these prohibited munitions. He’s given no evidence that he has destroyed them.

From three Iraqi defectors we know that Iraq, in the late 1990s, had several mobile biological weapons labs. These are designed to produce germ warfare agents, and can be moved from place to a place to evade inspectors. Saddam Hussein has not disclosed these facilities. He’s given no evidence that he has destroyed them.

The International Atomic Energy Agency confirmed in the 1990s that Saddam Hussein had an advanced nuclear weapons development program, had a design for a nuclear weapon and was working on five different methods of enriching uranium for a bomb. The British government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa. Our intelligence sources tell us that he has attempted to purchase high-strength aluminum tubes suitable for nuclear weapons production. Saddam Hussein has not credibly explained these activities. He clearly has much to hide.

The purpose of the weapons Saddam is collecting is to quickly kill massive amounts of people. The purpose of this war is to prevent that.

07. Feb 3, 2003 at 8:45pm by someone:

Where do we go when we are done making Iraq a parking lot? I mean we did a lot of good in Afghanistan.  Where’s Bin Ladden?  I havent heard much about him lately.

Well let’s see, the French dont like us.  Let’s get rid of them too.  What good have they done?  And to think we bailed them out more than once.  Let’s start with Quebec and then move our way over to France.  After that I think we should get rid of those Australians.  They havent done us any good since the 80s.  I mean did you see that new Dundee movie....HORRIBLE.  We should have declared war on opening weekend for that movie.

Eventually we can take over the world and declare it Big Bush.  We will give them all the right to vote but they will all have enough electoral votes so that they dont really count in our "democracy".  It’ll be kinda like election 2000.  Didnt Gore win that thing?  Oh yeah, he got the people’s poplular vote but we dont count.  Oh well, we got a good president didnt we?

Anyway, let’s go kill some more of Saddam’s people because he hasnt done enough of that himself.  We shall become a glorious empire and everyone will be happy.  Heil GW.

08. Feb 3, 2003 at 9:24pm by Anthony:

Kaiser: number one, stop being a sensationalist. Number two, stop changing the subject.  And number three, post under your own name.  It only makes your ridiculous post look more ridiculous when you post anonymously.

The fact is that Saddam is amassing weapons of mass destruction and has refused all attempts at a diplomatic resolution of this conflict.  Sure, the French support him because they make money off of the oppression of the Iraqi people due to their economic policies with Iraq, but the French aren’t amassing weapons.  Neither are the Canadians nor the Australians.  So while you change the subject and avoid the issues, Iraq continues to develop weapons technology.

09. Feb 3, 2003 at 11:37pm by kaiser:

Thank you actually. You are hitting the true purpose of our involvement in this war.  There are too many dictators out there abusing their citizens.  That’s why I was being such a sensationalist.  The purpose of our war is to protect the world (mostly us) from him. 

I have not been arguing our war with Iraq.  I argue the cause of that war.  We tried to spread democracy to people who didnt want it before.  I will not give my life for a worthless cause.  This is not a worthless cause however so I will give my life for that.  If GW ever goes on a campaign to spread democracy though, I will not fight for that.

To tell you the truth, before you call me a coward, I have been considering enlisting because the future of engineering is not to promising right now.  I’ve always wanted to serve my country because I have a lot of military backround in my family. 

In conclusion, since you are calling everyone cowards, have you thought about enlisting or would you just sit around until you are drafted?

10. Feb 3, 2003 at 11:40pm by April:

Just a few things to say here...First, if you don’t like the way our country runs then do something to change it instead of constantly whining about how it isn’t fair and we have no say. You may also want to look up the history of the Electoral College and understand why it was instituted in the first place (I promise you it is a good reason!).  Second of all, if you don’t like America then simply get the heck out.  You have the choice, unlike some other people, like say those in Iraq, to pack up and move you butts elsewhere.  Third of all, do you see Americans sitting as part of the Afghan government?  Right, I didn’t think so, so don’t talk about America as if this were the Imperial Age.  I will tell you what makes you a coward and it is not fighting.  You live in a country where you have a right to choice and where you have a right to a voice.  You take this for granted everyday and that can be seen in your lack of support for bringing that same right (which truly is a right) to everyone around the world.  If you really envisioned a better world, would it not be one of freedom and choice?  What’s more, we are talking Idealism here.  The simplr truth is there will always be evil people with evil intents and we can’t just let them reign free on the earth infringing on human rights.  Open your eyes, what are you going to do say "Oh, please stop killing your people!"  I dare you to go over and try that, when they bring your body back, if they bring your body back, (you know, after Saddam shoots you in the head just like he has done to all those who oppose him, including family members) I will say I told you so!  I have been quoted by Anthony before for saying this (and yes, I am going to say it again)...If we don’t go to war and Saddam drops a nuke on the US, then I have only one is the families of the people who opposed the war that suffer the greatest...John Paul and Kaiser, that means you and your families!  I am willing to fight to keep my family safe, if you are not that may it be your families that suffer!

I need to say one more thing.  There are thousands of men and women out there protecting this country 24/7, more then you could hope to know.  So you know what, while you are sitting here taking you and your families safety and security for granted, stop and think about those people out there.  How ungrateful can you be!?  Have a little respect for those that are doing you a great service.  You know what, as a matter of fact, I feel you are a huge disgrace to this counrty the way you just want to sit there and talk crap on freedom and democracy, when so many people have died and continue to give their lives for it and you.  Let me reiterate on more time, HAVE A LITTLE RESPECT!!!

11. Feb 3, 2003 at 11:41pm by Anthony:

The only people who are cowards are those who are blatantly anti-war without considering the issues. You don’t have to enlist in order to be NOT a coward.  Not everyone is called to be a soldier.  The purpose of the draft is to protect the country when the volunteer army runs out.  In that case, if my country needed me, I’d absolutely go in a second.  I don’t think everyone who doesn’t enlist is a coward.

12. Feb 4, 2003 at 5:49pm by steev:

ok, just chiming in a lil bit here. personally, i don’t support a war with iraq.  i’m not anti-war, i may be anti-government, but the jury is still undecided on that one.  i just don’t believe that saddam/iraq poses that much of a threat to our country, and if he does, i don’t believe his threat is as great as the one that is currently posed by north korea, who is more openly against the US, and has said that it has nuclear capabilities.  i think our guns are trained at the wrong country personally.  but then, what do we get outta north korea?  not much, in fact, im sure we get some things out of it, but not as much oil as we do from the middle east, and we need to protect our "assests".

13. Feb 5, 2003 at 12:20am by Anthony:

N. Korea poses a threat openly. What’s dangerous about Saddam is that he is secretive about the weapons he possesses.  He won’t come out and tell us, but we know from UN reports, from US intelligence, from Iraqi defectors, from British intel in Africa, and the IAEA that he possesses arms and bio/chem nerve agents that are currently unaccounted-for.  He has used the nerve agents on his own people already, so we know that he has no qualms about using them.  He has assassinated his own family members and government officers when they stood in the way of his plans, so we know that he has no problem at all with murdering whomever he needs to.  So while I agree that N. Korea is a threat, I don’t think it’s a bigger threat than Saddam, and I certainly don’t think that either threat mitigates the other.

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