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Cell phone plans...
My 2-year contract with Cingular is about to expire, so I need a new contract. I’m thinking of moving away from Cingular to a different provider, for a couple reasons: 1) they require a 2-year contract, which means you’re locked in for a long time, and it also means they have little incentive to improve their service (since there’s no chance of people switching to another provider after a year). For example, you can get AIM Wireless with every major provider except Cingular. 2) Cingular has such a small selection of phones and they’re all boring. 3) I’ve been with Cingular for either 2 or 4 years now, I can’t even remember it’s been so long, and I know I’ve had countless frustrations with them that I can’t even recall right now. So I just want to try something different.
However, Cingular does now have free rollover minutes, and the "nights" in the "free nights and weekends" recently began starting at 7pm instead of 9pm. So...
Anyway, if you have a cell phone, with Cingular or anyone else, post a reply and let me know if you’re happy with your service. And also where you’re at.
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