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Leasing a Car
A lot of people have this notion that leasing a car is just A Bad Idea, because at the end of the lease, you "have nothing" since you give the car back. They seem to have been programmed to believe this, without ever having actually thought about whether it’s true. It’s not true.
Lease payments are much lower than finance payments; leasing is sometimes referred to as "paying for only what you use" of the car, whereas when you make finance payments, you’re paying for the entire price of the car.
It only takes 3 seconds to explain why it’s a lie that the leaser "has nothing" at the end of the lease. Watch.
Two people each have $20,000 and have their eye on the same $20,000 car. The first guy leases the car for 4 years, and the sum of the lease payments and the down-payment is $12,000. The second guy finances the car for 4 years, and the sum of the finance payments and down-payment is $20,000 -- the full price of the car.
What do they each have at the end of 4 years? The first guy has $8000 in cash, and the second guy has a car that he hopes will be worth $8000 (but in practice it’s rarely ever worth that full amount).
Not only does the leaser have much more than "nothing," he usually has more than the guy who actually bought the car, because the vast majority of cars don’t hold their value very well over time.
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