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Debates and Stuff
All your (political) base are belong to Mike P.A. Ward. Seriously, he’s got this stuff covered. And come on, he’s even got an Anthony in his name, for good measure. I’m going to straight gank large portions of his last three posts because they’re so good:
Transcript portion from Debate #2:
KERRY: I’ve never changed my mind about Iraq. I do believe Saddam Hussein was a threat. I always believed he was a threat.
...five minutes later...
KERRY: And what’s interesting is, [N. Korea is] a threat that has grown while the president has been preoccupied with Iraq, where there wasn’t a threat.
Kerry is the epitome of politician. No one but a politician could say with a straight face "I’ve never changed my mind about Iraq" after vacillating as many times as Kerry has... and he says it directly to the same populace that has witnessed all the vacillations. Who does he think he’s kidding? (Of course, the moonbats don’t care that he’s lying, and the conservatives aren’t fooled by the lying... let’s hope the undecideds are paying attention.)
People are always talking about how "all politicians lie," and "they’re all the same." And as a result, they just don’t care about politics. One of these two candidates fits that mold and another does not. Let’s be frank - George W. Bush is not slick enough to tell an effective lie off the top of his head or make up a random false statistic when he’s in a bind during a debate. However, he knows his guiding priciples and you know where he stands. As a result, he’s derided as inarticulate and and dullard.
Conversely, we all know John Kerry is an amazing debater. He can pull things out of his nether regions like none other. The guy is very slick, and yet for this he gets praise. What is John Kerry if not the stereotypical politician? His ability to be on both sides of every issue is evidence of an absense of concrete guiding principles, without which there is no motivation to be president besides the love of power.
John Kerry is a man who has been planning his presidency since he was a youth from bringing a video camera to Vietnam to reinact battle scenes for his presidential campaign, to selling out his "band of brothers" after coming home by lying about them to Congress, to a twenty year Senate career as a tax and spend big-government/small-military liberal, to now he is the kind of politician that makes people hate politics. George W. Bush first ran for office 10 years ago and will never be accused of being slick with words or wavering in his principles. Beyond who’s political philosophy you agree with, which candidate do you really think will do what he believes to be the right thing no matter what the polls say?
Kerry says whatever his current audience wants to hear. Anyone who can’t see that is blind, and anyone who trusts anything he says is a fool. And people are just impossible to please -- they complain about how "all politicians" are slick-talking liars, then when they get a president who isn’t, they call him dumb.
This one is the best, though:
Tonight was clearly the President’s best performance ... Kerry didn’t completely bomb, but only because his performance was taking place right next to SeeBS Employee Bob Schieffer. Holy cow, could he be more biased? Here is an actual transcript:
Schieffer: Senator Kerry, the economy is crap, there’s a backdoor draft, the president is evil and your hair is gorgeous. Could you talk about that a little? Kerry: Under this president my hair has lost 39% of its luster. I would never allow my hair to fall under such disrepair. I have a plan and I will make my hair even more glorious than it is now faster than this president has. Under this president, you will get more of the same. Schieffer: President Bush, you have big ears and Dick Cheney’s daughter is a lesbian. Why do you want her in a death camp? Bush: Education.
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