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Speaking of Reasons to Hate Windows...
The thing that most frustrates me about Windows is its lack of command-line remote administration. You can hack it in via OpenSSH for Windows but it’s far from perfect -- you can’t use any interactive commands because of problems with STDIN/STDOUT mapping, which cuts out a pretty large swath of the programs you’d like to run. And it lacks tab-completion as well as command history; pressing the Up key actually makes the cursor move up on the screen.
Even if it worked perfectly, Microsoft makes some things impossible via command line. For example, I recently discovered that you can use Scheduled Tasks (in the Control Panel) to run a program at boot without having it attached to a window. That’s awesome for background programs that you’d like to keep running all the time but that you don’t really want cluttering up your taskbar because they take no user input (like Eponym). But there’s no equivalent command-line way to access the Scheduled Tasks functionality. There’s "at" but it can’t schedule an event at boot nor multiple times per day. There’s "schtasks" which actually IS equivalent to Scheduled Tasks in the Control Panel, but it’s not included in XP Home.
The unxutils package improves the situation drastically, giving you lots of the most handy Unix tools like grep and wget. And of course you can use VNC to do remote administration via the full Windows GUI. But that’s inconvenient because most internet links are slow, and because you often can’t or don’t want to take over a system that someone else might be using just to do a task that should only require the command-line anyway.
I say that MS should take after Apple: admit that the only thing going for their OS is its nice looks and ease-of-GUI-use, and then get to work building that on top of a REAL OS with nice internals (i.e. Linux or BSD).
And also, Superunknown is still a really good album.
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