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Removing Redeye from Photos
I don’t often see red-eye when I take pictures of people, because I generally keep the camera flash disabled and instead adjust the aperture & shutter speed to make the subject bright enough. And because I rarely have to deal with red-eye, when I do encounter it I always just manually remove it (using Gimp of course).
But if you have to fix the redeye in multiple photos, doing it manually is a big pain. So tonight I googled and found a sweet Gimp script that automates the redeye removal process, making it quick and easy. (That page first describes the long, manual way to do it, then at the bottom provides the script to automate the whole process. The script at the bottom is what you want -- just follow the instructions that say to download it to your ~/.gimp/scripts/ directory, and then it’ll appear in Gimp on the Script-Fu menu under Selection -> Red Eye.)
Kim has a few really cute photos from this weekend; here’s one that I removed the redeye from. This is the super laser-beam death-ray eyes version:

And here’s the fixed version:

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