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Superbowl Commercials: XLII
Well the game ended up being really exciting, though you wouldn’t have known it from the first 3 quarters. But this year’s superbowl ads were mostly terrible. Here are the ones that I liked:
Audi Godfather ad:
Tide To Go interview ad: funny only because the stain sounds like Steve Carell in that hilarious news scene in Bruce Almighty:
Doritos mouse ad: funny, but apparently it’s actually from last year:
Etrade baby ads: these are both hilarious. The "you don’t know how old I am" line kills me:
Coke politics ad: James Carville & Bill Frist become friends. I’m embarrassed to admit that this ad is genuinely heartwarming:
Bud Light Semi-Pro Will Farrell Jackie Moon ad. "and the loins" says it all:
The anti-drug drug dealer ad:
Most Ridiculous
Most ridiculous: the idea that people get excited over Dell hardware:
Most Annoying
Both of these are too annoying to display inline; I can only bear to link to them. Note also how both commercials defecate on top of classic songs:
Thrillicious: 2008 Sobe Life Water Super Bowl AdComments:
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