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I feel like I need to say something about dogs. A friend of mine has an outside farm dog, a miniature collie named Coby. January was much colder than normal this year, and during one particularly cold stretch, Coby died. About a week later, my sister’s house burned down, and her dogs Kiraly and Stoklos both died (from the carbon monoxide, fortunately; they weren’t burned). Last week, my brother Brian had to put his dog Tundra to sleep. He had suddenly developed (or at least, suddenly started showing symptoms of) epilepsy, causing him to have seizures, but also might have had a brain tumor, because his personality suddenly changed and he was being vicious after having a seizure. Despite spending a lot of money trying to make him better, they ultimately had to put him down. And tonight, I watched Newlyweds because it’s Wednesday, and the episode was about them getting a dog. Sigh...
Coby, Kroisie, Stokie, and Tundy, we miss you.
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