President Bush actually ran an ad featuring video of Kerry saying the now-infamous words, which you can watch at his site. This was my second favorite quote by a Democrat last week. The best I actually posted on my blog and comes from House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi. And I quote:
"[The Republicans] try to convey that image of the Democrats as weak on defense. I don’t think we should take that. There is no party position on the war, much to the dismay of our grassroots constituents."
Classic. As if not having a position on the war projects strength in some way. As much as I would dislike these people if they actually ever acquired real power, they are just too amusing when out of power.
Heh. The best part of that Pelosi quote is how she’s so dismissive of the opinions of her fellow Democrats. And not just any fellow Democrats; she specifically dismisses her grassroots constituents!