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This and That
My mom’s been sending me links to Good Morning Silicon Valley, which is a sort of industry-insider tech-blog. There’s always lots of interesting stuff to be read there, for example Linux nears the tipping point, in which the author seems to be thinking along the same lines that I am about the state of Linux.
I made some screenshots of my desktop a few weeks ago, and forgot to mention them here. I’ve been using Fvwm instead of Gnome, and it’s been great -- small, fast, and ridiculously configurable. You can make it look just like Windows, or really cool like in my screenshots : ) And you can switch between configurations anytime.
Then there’s The Ultimate War Sim, which would be funny if it weren’t representative of reality, which is that a troubling amount of people are outrageously fickle and just plain stupid when it comes to this war.
I wrote a script called searchtext (actually I adapted it from my blog search function) to do Google-style searching through text files on your Unix/Linux computer. Google-style means you can use multiple words and/or phrases, and spaces mean "and," not "or" (naturally). It recurses directories and shows some of the text surrounding each match. Chances are there’s already a tool like this for *nix, but I already had this written for my site, so it was trivial to adapt it for local use.
And let’s not forget beautiful baby blue.
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