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Swap thingie...
Ok, so when I initially installed Gentoo on my laptop (which, aside from my router is the only computer I have left) I had all the files from my desktop system that I couldn’t burn to CD (ran out, and out of money) on there, and so, I shrunk the windows partition down as much as I could, and then installed...
Flash forward to, well, yesterday. I emerged qtparted (think partition magic + linux + qt) and went to resize the windows partition by about 5gb to dedicate to /home (because I was rushed to install linux, and just made 1 partition) and when I went to fdisk /dev/hda, it told me i needed to delete a partition and create an extended partition.....
Well, the only partition i could POSSIBLY get rid of, would be, the swap partition, so I am wondering how you are doing still with the no-swap partition... It’s been about a week or so now right? Just curious.
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