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Brainy women face handicap in marriage stakes: British survey
I think there are 3 reasons for this. The first is in the article and men just want women like their "mum".
The second is because career women don’t have time for a family. Men want off-spring and we don’t want it to coincide with our mid-life-crisis.
The last reason, which I think is one of the biggest amongst many males: Men find dumber women more attractive for some reason. I believe that this is because smarter women intimidate dumber men. This reason perturbs me the most. Men should be grateful to have a smart woman to back them up. I know I am. I’m pretty sure Anthony is (just kidding man). Just suck it up men. You don’t have to be the best at everything. And if you are out for looks, those will fade in 10 years. In 20 years they will be pretty much gone. The "person" inside those looks will be there forever.
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