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The Downfall of Western Civilization
What do you get when you take a person with no patience, cross him with someone with no manners, throw in a dash of probably-didn’t-graduate-high-school, and top it off with having eaten mostly Twinkies for about 30 years?
You get this:
On Monday night I’m driving home, it’s about midnight, and I stop for gas. The BP that I frequent isn’t open at this hour, so I have to go to 7-11 where there are only 4 pumps, one of which is diesel. I have to wait a few minutes while the person currently at the pump finishes up.
As I pull up and begin fueling, a little sea-green Geo Metro (or equivalent) comes up behind me, waiting for me to finish. When I do, I get into my car and then write my mileage down on the receipt, as I always do. This takes 30 seconds tops; the pen is in my center console, the receipt is already in my hand, and the light from the gas station is enough that I don’t have to turn on my lights or anything like that.
I put the receipt into my wallet, and as I’m putting my wallet into my pocket, I see the little Metro is now approaching me from the front, and it comes up right next to my door, so the driver is right next to me. He seems to want to say something to me so I roll down my window.
Me: (rolling down window, about 25% complete)
The jerk: what the f--- is your problem? You see I’m f---in’ waiting for you!
Me: I was... (here the jerk instantly cuts me off; my statement was going to be "I was writing down my mileage on my receipt")
The jerk: you want to go? (from the jerk’s tone it’s clear that this means, "do you want to fight?")
Me: (flabbergasted and trying to stifle a laugh along with my disbelief) No.
The jerk: you want to go right now?
Me: No? (I begin to drive away)
The jerk: yeah, mother f---er, you’re a f---in’ a--hole.
This guy was seriously angry. He was yelling, and he cut me off literally every time I tried to respond to his idiotic statements, including my two terse "no" responses. The first time he asked me if I wanted "to go," he seemed to be starting to open his car door, but he had pulled up in the tiny space between my car and the street so there was maybe 18" between our cars -- not nearly enough for a normal person to open a car door and fit through, let alone this beastly lunatic.
In retrospect the whole episode was pretty funny, but at the time, he was making me really angry. That anyone could be so freaking stupid and impatient and rude made me mad, but the fact that he kept cutting me off REALLY frustrated me. I didn’t have 3 seconds to even attempt to say anything.
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