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Late Tuesday night, I created a post on digg.com about my AJAX File-Upload Progress Script. It became extremely popular: in about 24 hours, it received 500 "diggs," and it spent most of Wednesday as #2 on the the del.icio.us "popular" page. (It’s still #1 on the AJAX page.)
Encodable.com received 5800 unique visitors who were checking out the script on Wednesday. At the height of the traffic, there were about 130 visitors online simultaneously at any given moment. And since the demo version is here on nodivisions.com, there were 1800 unique visitors here yesterday, too.
(If you’re wondering why there are so few files in the file-list for the demo, it’s because the uploads were quickly filling my server to its full capacity. I had to implement a cron-job that automatically deletes uploads older than 30 minutes twice an hour.)
Now at 11am on Thursday, there have already been 350 visitors on encodable.com, and 250 on nodivisions.com. Much less than yesterday, but still going fairly strong.
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