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Ugh, cont'd
Get up at 6:30am. Leave for work at 7:15, arrive at work around 8:15. Leave work at 4:30, arrive at home around 5:30.
I need to go to bed around 10pm if I want to get any decent amount of sleep. That means I have the time between 5:30pm and 10:00pm, that’s 4.5 hours, of non-working non-sleeping time. In that time, I need to eat dinner and shower and shave, so make that ~3.5 hours. 3.5 hours of life per day.
That is so sucky and depressing. It’s not that I don’t love my job -- I do. I’m incredibly thankful to have any job at all right now, and especially this job in particular. The pay is spectacular and the other engineers I work with are the nicest group of guys you could ask for. But 3.5 hours of life per day is no life at all. Curse Adam for cursing me thusly.
My options are:
1. sleep deprivation (not an option)
2. move to Europe where the work week is ~30 hours (looking better and better every day...)
3. move closer to work (probably the best/easiest option, but it requires graduating first and saving up money to get a house/apartment)
In the meantime... ugh.
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