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Salmon and Yammon

It’s not every day that you discover a new favorite meal, let alone one that’s easy to make. But this meal here, just some salmon and a yam, is definitely one of my new favorites, and it could hardly be any easier to make. Kim found the maple salmon recipe; for the yam, you just bake it at 350F for an hour, then add butter.
I generally love seafood, but have stayed away from salmon because the first and only time I ever tried it, a few years ago, it was really fishy-tasting and gross. But since I’ve been learning about how screwed up our omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acid balance is -- it should be close to a 1:1 ratio but in the typical American it’s more like 10:1 or 20:1 -- I’ve really wanted to get more omega-3 in my diet. And oily fish like salmon are pretty much the only significant dietary source of omega-3.
So I mentioned to Kim that I wanted to try salmon again, and she found that recipe and cooked it up for me. It was amazing, and I’ve been making it about twice a week now. And this is just farm-raised Atlantic salmon (from Wegmans); I can’t imagine how good the wild-caught Coho and King salmon that Rolly’s been telling me about might be.
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