Car MP3 Player -- Updates
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- Get a serial LCD screen (instead of parallel like the current one) that
I can use as a real tty (instead of being output-only with a user-space
app writing to it, like the current one). Parallel requires a custom cable
and a custom program to talk to it, but a 4x40 screen is cheap ($35). Serial
uses a standard cable and a standardized protocol etc, but a 4x40 screen is about
- Install unison so the musicbox can sync with a Windows computer, the way it currently uses rsync to sync with a linux computer. (Not that I'd ever use Windows, but some people apparently do.)
(Newest updates are at the top)
March 27, 2004
The musicbox now detects when the car is turned off, and saves its state to disk and
shuts down nicely, automatically. I have a small RC timer circuit that keeps
the computer powered for about 11 seconds after the car shuts off. With this,
the system is now completely automatic in the same ways that a normal car stereo is.
The only time you have to touch it is to select the music.
October 19, 2003
Musicbox now has a tiny wireless USB network card, the Netgear MA111. This thing is about 3x1x0.375 inches -- really small.
Using it, my musicbox now detects wireless networks as I drive around. In the ~2 miles between
my house and my campus, there are >70 networks, and most of them are unencrypted, meaning any old
person can log right on to them and get on the internet (assuming that the network is connected to
the internet). I haven't figured out how to do that yet; it logs on to mine OK, but for some
reason won't log on to any others.
Sunday September 9th, 2003
The new Via EPIA ME6000 motherboard that I got has built-in temperature sensors, so I installed the i2c and
lmsensors packages, and they installed without a hitch (which is highly unusual on a linux system). So
I now have a CPU temperature display on the musicbox. Awesome.
Also, two other things occurred to me that are really obvious, and I don't know why I didn't think of them
before. The LCD screen has some registers that need to be initialized with certain values and it needs
to be done with a certain timing. But that only needs to be done one time; those values hold until you
turn the power off. So I edited the lcdwriter program so that it only does that initialization when
you tell it to, and otherwise it just opens the port between the PC and the LCD on each call. So it now
runs a lot quicker. The second thing is that I now run the lcdwriter program from the ramdisk, instead
of the hard disk. This also makes it run much, much faster. The result is that when you're
scrolling through text on the screen, it keeps up with your kepresses very closely.
Some other random things.... there was a bug that caused the song's elapsed time to not display sometimes;
that is now fixed.
August, 2003
The musicbox got a hardware upgrade (in performance) / downgrade (in size). It's tiny
now. It's a new motherboard with integrated audio/video/LAN/USB2/Firewire, a built-in Via Eden 600MHz
fanless CPU, a new custom-built 7x7x2" case, and a new stick of (DDR) RAM. The only software change
that was necessary was to use a different audio driver.
There is a company called mini-box that makes
a tiny 70-watt ATX power supply for this tiny new motherboard that I got. It's a single PCB that plugs
into and sits on top of the motherboard -- no ATX cable, just an ATX connector. And this power supply
runs off a 12V source, so I can power it in the car directly; I don't need to use the DC->AC inverter
I also solved the reboot-at-ignition problem, by putting a small sealed-lead-acid (SLA) battery
(from a $60 APC UPS system) in parallel with the car's battery, and putting a diode on the positive line
between the two batteries. Now when the engine is turning over and depleting the car battery's voltage
down to about 9 volts, the smaller SLA battery holds the computer's input voltage at 12V, because the diode
prevents current from flowing back to the car battery.
July, 2003
The musicbox now copies each mp3 into a ramdisk before playing it. Now the audio never ever skips (it
did before, once in a while, when I'd hit a big bump, or sometimes just seemingly randomly).
Also added fade-in and fade-out for whenever you pause/unpause/stop the music.
Wednesday July 9th, 2003
The batteries died today in the Gyration wireless keyboard that I use for the musicbox.
So they lasted almost exactly 3 months. Which isn't amazing, but it isn't too bad
either. But my home keyboard is a Logitech wireless one, and it's 2 AA batteries last
about a year... however, its range is only about 6 feet, compared to the Gyration's 25
feet. Also, the Gyration uses 4 AAAs instead of 2 AAs... that might have something to
do with it, but I don't know what. Finally, the batteries that died were the generic
ones that came with the keyboard; I replaced them with Energizers, so we'll see if they last
any longer.
Thursday July 3rd, 2003
The musicbox has been in my car for 3 months now, and it's been amazing. I've been
doing lots of updates to the software, but haven't been posting news about them here; I've
just been uploading the new software to the mp3script directory.
You can see them by going there and scrolling to the bottom, and looking at the newest ones...
whenever I update it, I put a little explanation into the filename itself. So reading
that directory will tell you pretty much.
Tuesday April 15, 2003
Installed a relay so that the computer turns on automatically whenever the car turns on.
I also installed a capapacitor, in the hopes that it would keep the voltage close enough to 12V
during ignition so that the computer could stay on without rebooting if you stopped and restarted
the engine... but it didn't. The voltage just drops too much for too long during ignition.
Oh well. It's not a big deal at all, because you never really turn the engine off but leave
the key in the accessory position, and then turn the car back on again. It'd just be sort
of nice.
Sunday April 6, 2003
Musicbox, Golfy. Golfy, Musicbox. That's right, I installed the musicbox in my
car on Friday! It's incredibly fun and neat. I took lots of new photos so check them out!
It's running just fine on the
power inverter, though that inverter is drawing too much current because one of my car
stereo amps is cutting out occasionally. [Update: apparently, the amp was cutting
out because of a loose power cable, that just coincidentally occurred the first time I put
the musicbox into my car.] I'll have to get one of those overpriced
giant capacitors called "Lightning Caps" and/or build that DC->DC power supply and see if
that fixes it. Either way, I'm waiting for a relay to come in the mail, so that
the PC can automatically turn on and off with the car's ignition. (Right now I have
the power cord for the inverter running from the hatch to the front, and I plug it in
to the standard roundy 12V car power outlet whenever I start the car.) I'm also running
the audio signal directly into my amps, but I'm going to make a cable (to mimic this
one) that will send that signal into my Kenwood head unit's CD changer input, so
that I can use the head unit's volume, bass and treble controls.
I can't get over how cool it is that with a single keypress, the box plays a random
album from among the hundreds on the hard drive. And if I don't feel like listening
to that album, you know what I do? Just hit the key again. It's so darn
handy. And to never have to mess with CDs in the car again, that will be nice.
Sunday March 30, 2003
Finally got back to this project after not touching it for months. I ordered a bunch
of power-supply-type chips (actually, got them as free engineering samples : ) from onsemi.com,
and I'm also testing a $50 Rayovac 350watt power inverter. As disgustingly inefficient as
it is, I was thinking about it... I have a new car, a Volkswagen no less, so it might run OK
with the power inverter. If not, I'll build the DC->DC supply.
Also realized that rather than looking for an old motherboard that's new enough to support a
large hard drive, I can just use "disk manager" / "drive overlay" software on the drive.
Makes my life 10x easier. So I'm now rocking with 40 gigs on my old 233mmx system.
Over Christmas break I picked up a Gyration
wireless keyboard (and mouse, stupid mouse, they don't sell the keyboard separately). This
thing is tiny, flat, black, wireless (radio), USB, and just generally freaking slick. I
also picked up an
FM transmitter, the kind people apparently use to run their discmen through the car's FM
radio... except this thing is a piece of junk, this iRock thing... it's all crackley. So that means I need to run
a signal wire from my hatch up to my head unit, or else run the soundcard right into my
amps in my hatch. I want it to go through the head unit because I want to be able to
use the volume control there. So... we'll see.
Software changes: there's now a full playlist editor. And I added a "primitive"
shell prompt pass-through, which lets you type any command you want, and it shows the output
on the LCD screen. I say "primitive" though because 1) if the program doesn't write its
output on STDOUT (some use STDERR) then you don't see it, and 2) nothing interactive like
text editors will work. But it's still freaking cool that I have a shell prompt on my
LCD screen : )
Tuesday November 19, 2002
Figured out how to make the system boot directly to a bash prompt, from which
I then mount the hard drives, start the sound card, and start the music
script... without going through any of the normal system startup
stuff (/etc/inittab and the /etc/rc.d scripts). This is
monumental for my music box. Now he's doing absolutely nothing
that he doesn't need to do... he just boots and plays music.
Startup time, from power-on to music-playing, is 36 seconds:
15 seconds of POST (ugh, need a new mobo)
8 seconds for my PCI IDE controller to probe for drives (once I get a mobo
that can support my 40gig drive, this PCI card is getting removed, so this
8 seconds goes away)
13 seconds for Linux to load and start playing music
I'm pretty happy with this startup time. 36 - 8 = 28 seconds. My
car stereo currently takes about 8 seconds to start playing music (the
faceplate needs to flip over and the amps' poweron-mute needs to unmute),
so my music box will take 20 seconds longer. Which will be a pain for
sure, but it's not too bad really.
So this guy is almost ready for production. He boots quickly and he
plays music automatically, and he's got almost all the controls he needs
for music selection and playing. He just needs a slightly improved
playlist editor, and a car power supply.
Monday November 18, 2002
Got the pause control to work! This was tricky since I'm running
the mp3 program in a forked detached process. But by relying on
some calculations
I made on mp3 framerates, I was able to stop the song, then re-start it
at the same frame based on the elapsed time when stopped. It's so
cool. You can also seek forward and reverse in the song while it
And in other giant news, I finally figured out how to use IPC (inter-process
communication) to control the queueing of the next song. I had been
simply polling the child process (the mp3 player) once per second to see
when it exited, and then starting the next song when it did. But that's
awful. The IPC way is to have the child send the parent a signal when
it exits, and have the parent run a signal-handling routine that starts the
next song when it receives the signal. So not only is this a million
times more proper and clean, it also means that you're not utilizing the CPU
like crazy, so you can scroll through your music library at normal speed
even while a song is playing.
Thursday November 14, 2002
Got the music box converted from RedHat Linux to Slackware Linux. This
should make configuration much easier, and Slackware is smaller. Also,
a week or two ago, I installed the new (old) motherboard, so the music box is
now an Intel Celeron 333 MHz in an old Socket 370 AT motherboard.
Also got it to automatically log in and start playing music when you turn the
system on. That's important.
Friday October 18, 2002
Implemented volume control. Added a reboot option. Made the key bindings
code more logical, and made them easily customizable by the user. Oh, and
the "Now Playing" screen now shows the elapsed time for the song.
I hooked up my spare 13.8VDC power supply to provide the -VLC contrast
voltage, because the AAA battery (that I had been using) died, and I didn't
feel like soldering another one up. So I have a 470 ohm resistor in series
with a 2.42 kohm resistor across the terminals of the power supply, I have
the middle of those 2 resistors connected to circuit ground, and I have VLC
connected to the negative terminal of the power supply. This puts VLC at -0.74V
(under load, drawing 3.94mA from the 13.8VDC) when the LCD backlight is on,
and -0.59V (under load, drawing 4.33mA from the 13.8VDC) when the LCD backlight
is off.
Sunday October 13, 2002
Lots more changes and improvements over the past couple days. I have a huge
MIPS programming assignment for school, and when I get sick of that, I take a
little break and do some Perl programming on my mp3 script. Ahhh Perl, so
friendly, so powerful, so... perfect. Anyway, about those updates...
I increased the script's speed and the screen's scrolling a lot by reducing the
number of calls
to the lcdwriter program about fourfold. Previously I called the lcdwriter
program once per line written to the LCD, but I rewrote the program to accept
4 lines at once, and that's how I send the data now. So scrolling is almost
I added an overlay that shows CPU idle percentage and free memory. This is
enabled by passing a 1 (that's one) to the script when you run it. Right now
I have 2 idle percentages shown, from 2 different methods of calculating it... the
first method is more accurate (i.e., agrees more with the top command) when a song
is playing, but the second is more accurate otherwise. (See my linux page for info about how these are calculated.)
So I'll probably just
add some code to choose the method based on whether a song is playing. But I
want to monitor those values for a while yet.
The script now saves your playlist to disk, so when you shutdown/startup you don't
lose it. This will require a second little partition once I put this
computer into my car, because I'll be running the mp3 disk in read-only mode so
that I can turn the car off without "shutting down" the PC.
The script now remembers your position as you scroll through your music
folder. Since I have about 140 bands (folders) in there, this feature is a
necessity. When you enter a subfolder, select songs, do whatever, and then
go back out to the root music folder, it starts you where you left off, instead of
at the "A" folders.
I hooked up a 5k potentiometer between the LCD's VLC pin and the
-1.5V source, and found out that the contrast is best at around -1.27V (it drops
to -0.87V when the screen's VLC is connected). The resistance is 93.5 ohms,
which I now achieve with 3 resistors in series: 51, 33, and 10 ohms.
So I hooked that same pot up between +5V and the LCD's backlight anode, and it
adjusts the brightness quite nicely. The brightness adjustment is
somewhat discrete (i.e. doesn't go smoothly from bright to off, but rather
"jumps" from one brightness to the next), but that's probably because of my
potentiometer. It's the 3/4 turn type, so you don't have very fine
control. I'll have to find a 10-turn pot and give it a try. Also,
when the pot is turned all the way down (ideal resistance = 0), the screen's
not fully bright, so there is some resistance there, or it's not passing enough
current, or something. Again, maybe a better pot will help.
Thursday October 10, 2002
Big changes to the control script. I'm now using mpg123 instead of XMMS
as the mp3 player, because it's a command-line/console application, whereas
XMMS is an X-Windows application. Of course I didn't want to have a
graphical interface running and hogging resources on a system in my car with no
monitor! So this was only a matter of time/effort and finding the right
player. mpg123 works well, as long as you're using the latest development
version (0.59s-mh4, Oct 27 2000) instead of the latest "stable" version (0.59r),
which makes horrible crackley noises when it plays music.
The LCD now displays the info (name, band, whatever I want) about the currently
playing song, and also lets you edit the playlist while music is playing.
Editing the playlist during playback is slow, though, because I haven't yet
figured out how to pass signals from the child process (which calls mpg123)
to the parent process (the control script). Instead, I poll the child
every second to see whether it's still alive (i.e., whether to advance to the
next song), so there's about a 1 second lag on the keyboard input during
playback. This also means there's ~1 second of artificial silence between
tracks, so on CDs where one tracks fades into the next with no pause, this
is annoying. Not too annoying though, and I don't feel very bad about it
since almost every mp3 player in existence has this problem : )
The script and/or mpg123 is leaking memory a bunch. In 12 hours, the
system went from ~120MB free down to ~50MB free. Yeah... that's bad.
And bootup time, from poweron to login, is ~55 seconds... way too long.
But that's without any optimizations, and without disabling any of the programs
I won't need in the car (like, 98% of them). So it will be easy to bring
that number down.
Tuesday October 8, 2002
I realized today that I'll want to build a custom power supply for the unit,
so that I don't need to use an inverter in the car, which would be wasteful
because I'd be converting DC-AC-DC. But the supply that I'll build can't
power ATX (switching) motherboards, and the sv25 is such a board. So I
ordered an older AT motherboard (Atrend ATC7110, 440LX chipset) for $17 from
piranhatech.com and an
Intel Celeron 333MHz processor for $22 from liquidationetc.com. This means
I'll need to use the case from my 233mmx server, or else buy a cheap one
somewhere, or of course build one...