Posts 235 to 242:


Okay, I’ve decided to srape the abstinence thing.  It’s putting me really far behind, but I’ve decided to talk about the existince of God.  I have found such an awesome site about it! Check out  It’s a completely scientific veiw about the existence of God and the truth of the Bible.  The guy that wrote the papers used to be an atheist and tried to scientificly disprove God.  Instead, he became a believer.  Praise God!  He actually came to the local college and did a debt on the existence of God a while ago.  I, unfortunetly, missed it and now am regretting it even more.  But, thanks for trying to help me before, Anthony and his mom.

Posted by Joseph on 2 replies

Sleeping Awake

I just found something awesome.  A really cool band has a song on a really cool movie.  I’m not talking about Evenescence on the Daredevil soundtrack.  (That was only a decent movie.  I’m a comic book fan, so I catch all the little things wrong with the flick and blow up at it, so it wasn’t as good as it could have been)  I’m talking one of the ’best movies of all time’s’ sequel.  P.O.D has a new song on the ’Matrix Reloaded’ soundtrack.  I know most of you don’t see this as big news, but remember, I’m a geeky fan-boy, so shut up.  :p

Posted by Joseph on reply


Two of my good friends are changing their majors, both from computer engineering.  One is going to comp sci (which is like comp eng, except a lot more programming and a lot less hardware), and the other to something business-related.

I’ve been thinking of switching from comp eng to comp sci for a while now myself.  Mainly because judging from the fact that I program so much in my spare time, it’s probably a safe bet that I’d enjoy doing that professionally.  Another big draw of being a programmer is that thanks to the internet, there is often no need for a programmer to "go" to work.  These sorts of people often work from home a few days a week, or even most of the time.  And that would be fantastic.  Fanstatic is a funny way to misspell fantastic, by the way.

Anyway I love to program, as is evident from things like this entire website, my blogger script, and my musicbox.  I do enjoy engineering though too; the hardware side of things is very interesting to me.  But lately I’ve been wondering if pure programming interests me more.

Argh.  Well in any event, this summer -- in two weeks, in fact -- I have an amazing job as a computer engineer, the same one I had last summer at Unisys.  It pays incredibly well and it’s fun and the people there are super.  So for the time being I’m going to just focus on that.  After the summer, I need to just focus on graduating at all, whether it be compsci or compeng or whatever.  I’ve been spinning my wheels for 2 years here at UP and I’m so frustrated and tired of not doing well.  This semester is the 4th and last of this slump; I didn’t do much better than the last 3, but towards the middle/end I finally managed to get a little more disciplined and to study, so I’m confident about next fall.  I also realized that if you don’t come out full-force in the first 2 or 3 weeks of the semester, it’s incredibly hard to catch up.  Before, it always seemed like "eh, first couple weeks, no big deal...", but that period really sets the pace for you for the rest of the semester.  Konstantin said that to me a couple months ago and I realize now that it’s completely true.

Posted by Anthony on 3 replies

site spam... or something

Anthony, once again, the site looks awesome, I still haven’t gotten mine to "emulate" yours, however, if you want to track the progress, I am doing it on my webserver here locally, which can be found at - and as a lil added treat, im testing out this pretty cool blog type system, was considering going to just a blog, but then, I dunno... but it can be found at  Both e107 and denial are fairly interesting, and as my "coding skills" aren’t quite up to par, I have to go with what I know, and since I know these guys, I can just ask them if there is a problem or I want something, they can always steer me in the direction.  Keep up the great site, I definately enjoy your musings.

Posted by steev on 4 replies


Hey, I have to do a speech about something debatable and I choose celibacy.  I’d like some arguments for and against if you could give me some.  And also some testimonies on why you believe the way you do.  I know most people here will probably go the religious route, but I also need some reasons not to.  (The one’s I’ve found have been misleading and dumb, so please help.)

Posted by Joseph on 4 replies

Forced community is no community

Bob Whitaker is right on the money, as usual:

When I was in Africa, a white government still ruled in Rhodesia, now Zimbabwe.  We said that the minute the Communist guerrillas took over the government there, the big tribe would slaughter the smaller tribe.  Liberals said no such slaughter would take place.  As soon as black rule arrived, the majority tribe slaughtered the minority tribe.

In every African country tribes hate each other or kill each other.  Liberals and respectable conservatives say that what is needed is Marxism or Social Progress or Christianity to make tribes stop killing each other.  Let me ask an unrespectable question.  Why are those tribes that hate each other jammed together in the same country?

The reason was stated by General Wesley Clark, “There is no room in today’s Europe for ethnically pure countries.”  As a liberal, Clark demands that American troops be used to force different people to live under the same government.

Russia is already destitute, but it is spending what little money it has forcing the Moslem country of Chechnya to stay within Russia.  It took Tito, an absolute tyrant, to hold the gaggle of peoples called Yugoslavia together.  Once Tito died Yugoslavia fell apart.  Now independent Croatia is at peace because it is made up of Croatians.

You just can’t argue with facts and history.  Which is why you see a lot of people ignoring facts and history.

Here’s some more:

Russian President Vladimir Putin said that Operation Iraqi Freedom could not be justified because it freed the Iraqis from oppression.  Putin said that if America could invade countries to free them from oppression, she would have to invade most of the world.

That makes Putin a Nazi.

Posted by Anthony on reply


In the Old West a wagon train is crossing the plains.  As night falls the wagon train forms a circle, and a campfire is lit in the middle.  After everyone has gone to sleep two lone cavalry officers stand watch over the camp.

After several hours of quiet, they hear war drums starting from a nearby Indian village they had passed during the day.  The drums get louder and louder.

Finally one soldier turns to the other and says, "I don’t like the sound of those drums."

Suddenly, they hear a cry come from the Indian camp:  "IT’S NOT OUR REGULAR DRUMMER."

-- from the motd (message of the day) on my slackware linux system

Posted by Anthony on reply


The power just went out.  Which means I have about 20 minutes till my UPS dies and my computer shuts off.

Oh, and in case I don’t see you... good afternoon, good evening, and goodnight!

Posted by Anthony on 1 reply

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