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Two of my good friends are changing their majors, both from computer engineering. One is going to comp sci (which is like comp eng, except a lot more programming and a lot less hardware), and the other to something business-related.
I’ve been thinking of switching from comp eng to comp sci for a while now myself. Mainly because judging from the fact that I program so much in my spare time, it’s probably a safe bet that I’d enjoy doing that professionally. Another big draw of being a programmer is that thanks to the internet, there is often no need for a programmer to "go" to work. These sorts of people often work from home a few days a week, or even most of the time. And that would be fantastic. Fanstatic is a funny way to misspell fantastic, by the way.
Anyway I love to program, as is evident from things like this entire website, my blogger script, and my musicbox. I do enjoy engineering though too; the hardware side of things is very interesting to me. But lately I’ve been wondering if pure programming interests me more.
Argh. Well in any event, this summer -- in two weeks, in fact -- I have an amazing job as a computer engineer, the same one I had last summer at Unisys. It pays incredibly well and it’s fun and the people there are super. So for the time being I’m going to just focus on that. After the summer, I need to just focus on graduating at all, whether it be compsci or compeng or whatever. I’ve been spinning my wheels for 2 years here at UP and I’m so frustrated and tired of not doing well. This semester is the 4th and last of this slump; I didn’t do much better than the last 3, but towards the middle/end I finally managed to get a little more disciplined and to study, so I’m confident about next fall. I also realized that if you don’t come out full-force in the first 2 or 3 weeks of the semester, it’s incredibly hard to catch up. Before, it always seemed like "eh, first couple weeks, no big deal...", but that period really sets the pace for you for the rest of the semester. Konstantin said that to me a couple months ago and I realize now that it’s completely true.
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